Identical Monitors - Computer Setup


Every time I see one of these "his and hers" posts I am insanely jealous. I have plead with my fiance numerous times to take up gaming, but she just wont give it a try. I even bought her a Wii and offered to build her a gaming PC. Oh well... maybe my daughter will take up gaming some day.
I was lucky and she already enjoyed gaming a bit when we were dating. After introducing her to a lot of my favorites and some indie games, shes started gaming more.
If you have access to an Ikea these are a godsend for cable management.
Thank you! That is exactly what I wanted, something to attach the cables to the underside of the desk.
How were you able to install it? I tried installing it but I ended up breaking the plastic inserts. Any tips?
What kind of chairs do you guys have?
No idea what she has, she got it for $10 cause someone was moving and getting rid of it.
Nice setup. What are the specs on your fiancée's rig?
Can I get that wallpaper from image #3?
You two make a cute couple.
Where did you get the bioshock pictures from?
They are from the Bioshock 2 limited edition version. Came with those 3 prints, cd of the soundtrack from Bioshock 2, vinyl record of the Bioshock 1 soundtrack and an art book.
Ahhhhh darn I was hoping it wouldn't be limited edtion :(
I just looked and there are quite a few copies on eBay. From about $70 and up
Thanks! I'll give it a look myself
I love the Bioshock stuff, I'm an avid collector in that department. I assume you know about the backlight trick with the 3 posters?.. They have secret messages on them!
Yes! I was so excited when I saw that they did that! Super cool
Why wouldnt you? houses are worth nothing, everyone is desperate to sell and interest rates are at an all time low (and actually starting to go back up).. its a buyers market by-far
Perhaps you haven't been keeping up... It's switched back to a seller's market in most parts of the country. Most houses are on the market for less than a week before being sold.
Not paying attention just overall, looking at local industry. houses still worth shit here. tons of houses for sale
I'm sure it depends on your locale. I'm not a real estate guy, just know the trends have shifted here and the news reports say the same.
Are those Jet Grind Radio spray cans?
No, they are limited edition Artist Series cans from Ironlak. Would be cool if they were themed after Jet Set Radio
Your office will be the first to go when you have kids...
If we have kids... Big IF. And the office will be here to stay, because she loves it as well.
Why would you not want to have kids if you're getting married? Kids are awesome. It's like a time machine where you can experience your life over again through their actions.
Came here to say this. I got 3 kids and my pc now sits next to my living room TV :/
Pretty jealous of that RTAA DVD. Where did you get their signatures.
PAX Prime last week in Seattle. Gus and Burnie were there as well but they were never at the booth when I went by.
Oh man, those ironlak cans are gorgeous. Do either of you write? Nice setup by the way :D
What do you mean by write? Tagging bus stops?
Just a recommendation, but if you like having pretty accent lighting behind your monitors, I would highly recommend using CCFL's for it. They're cheaper than Ikea DIODER's and put out a lot more light. You can also make them sound reactive (they will light up only on loud noises like bass beats, it is quite awesome) if you'd like.
Damn that looks nice. The Dioders are brighter than the look in the picture but if I ever look into upgrading my monitors as setup, I'll have to remember this
I have to respectfully disagree with you about using CCFL.. A while ago I spent $25 on eBay getting 5 meters worth of Led Strip 5050. They are super bright, and are multicolored diodes, which means instead of using 3 desperate diodes for RGB they are built into each diode instead. They also came with an IR controller. I have been so hooked on these I have bought more lights and a sound reactive controller. They are guaranteed to last for many years. The downside with CCFL is that they dim over time!
I actually agree. If I were re-doing my setup I'd have gone with LED's, although if you're using a diffuser then a CCFL gives a lot more even light.
What monitors are those specifically? i really need to get some new current ones are mix mashed.
I think it's an older model. I got my first one about 2 years ago, and the second about a year ago. I wanted identical monitors and I had to look around a bit to find one. Managed to get the very last one at a local Memory Express you know if projectors are any good for gaming?
I have one and have used it for console gaming. It was a cheaper one so quality wasn't the best, plus it needed a pretty dark room for the best image. Mine also ran hot! Couldn't play for very long cause it would turn the room into a sauna
Awesome set up. I love the Blue Yeti and Blue Snowball, btw.
Gaming pc and mic, do you make youtune videos?
I attempt to, rather unsuccessfully
Nice! How much was the whole setup?
Couldn't give you an exact price for everything but my PC was $2200, and my fiancées was $800 (my old PC). Monitors were about $150 each. Probably $400ish for both keyboards and mice. I've been slowly buying older consoles and games over the years so I have no clue how much I've spent on those
Really nice setup! Maybe I missed it, but which one is whose? And how is that ikea desk holding up? I'm bouncing between that one and one size smaller. I'm hesitant to get the longer one because of possible sagging in the middle.
I kinda forgot to mention it. Mine is the one that I'm showing off in the pictures. I didn't take any detail shots of hers (my old pc, not very pretty).
Ahh, rocking the dual screens! Very cool. And thanks for the info! I'll take that into consideration, very useful to know.
As much as I love my Yeti, I think it looks absolutely ridiculous on a mic stand compared to most Audio Technicas.
What monitor is on the right? Diggin' the Iornlak cans by the way.
My 2 are Acer G245H 24inch. Hers is a BenQ GL2450 24inch
I like the mic stand for the yeti. Where did you get it?
Its just some cheap stand from China I got off eBay. Works well though
Awesome setup! Good to see something who went to PAX this year and got some roosterteeth merchandise and meet some of the members! I got myself the roosterteeth podcast poster, AH V.S Poster and a RT hat :) trying to redo my setup at home to make way for a new table and the rest of stuff i got from PAX prime
How do you like those Dioder LEDs? I've been wanting to add aesthetic lighting behind my monitors, I have a large flag mounted on my wall above my monitors and I want a red & blue strips of LEDs
What arm do you use for the yeti? I'm still looking for a decent arm.
Why keep that eve in the box? USE IT!
Nice one! always get jealous at the couple setups, and its an added bonus for having those limited ironlak cans! keep it real homie!
How long is that desk and where did you find it?
Bad ass setup! I'm jealous. I can not wait to buy a bigger house and have an office.
No room left on the desk itself. It's currently sitting on some textbooks to raise it a bit off the ground but I will eventually get a stand of some sort to get it off the ground
I'm glad it's a temp thing. It always bugs me seeing these expensive rigs sitting on carpet.
Best place is to hang it under the table. Least amount of dust and it blocks some noice too.
Where did u buy that big ass table? :L
Ikea. Can't remember what it's called but you pick out the table top (various sizes) and legs (various colors). The one I have is the biggest one I saw at Ikea
Thank you, when I went on a table hunting last week at IKEA, I havent seen anything that was as big as your table though, maybe i'll find it with the name/number. ^
Can you measure your table top? Just so we can compare to what is available currently at ikea.
I have the same tabletop and that's the one. My one gripe is that its pretty narrow so you don't get much depth if you like to sit back from your screens.
Yeah I was worried about the lack of depth on that particular one. I am eyeing up maybe attaching two of the deeper versions. I believe they are about 59"L X 29.5". Still unsure though. I need to hit up ikea but waiting for the back to school chaos to be over with. :-)
Nope, wish I could have that kind of viewership on Twitch though. But I can't stream anyways cause the only available internet in my area is terrible
Stopped going through album as soon as it included both landscape and portrait oriented photos.

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