Primary Monitor - Computer Setup


That might be one of the coolest rooms ever.
So many interesting things going on.
So much room for activities!!
The framed cpus are an awesome touch. Might have to steal that idea.
$5 frames at ikea, cut out a piece of cardboard to space it, spray paint the white piece of paper that comes with it. Some glue or 3m double sided sticky rubber seal stuff (can't remember its name lol). Good to go!
Actually, can you take some pics of the frames closer up? Would love to see how they came out for you since I would love to do this to my old P4 and then Q6600.
What is that coolcomputersetups for? It doesn't have a clear description
It's a pretty fun circle jerk
Politically Correct MasterRace, we are just a group of fun loving guys that are for a full racial cleansing, but instead of the N-word or terms like "slanty eye" "camel fuckers" "big nose having money grubbers" "Canadians" "taco people" we use terms like "African American" and "Jewish". It's fine to hate just don't be politically incorrect about it.
When I saw the hammer I was going to x/post it there.
AKA the virgin circle-jerk center.
You must be a console fan.
Pretty much the coolest room hands down xx
Can you tell what kind of monitors those are? I like the really thin bezzel.
Copied this reply I gave to another coolcomputersetupsor:
Are you using a monitor mount, if so which one? Thanks
Foobar and infected mushroom? Awesome.
Got some Skazi going now ;).
This is just astonishing! It's so 'cozy' looking! It's not overdone or cluttered, and the Christmas decorations are really neat. I love your XBOX/Playstation repair kit, although I prefer a rubber mallet.
Thanks very much! It has been a lot of work to do everything up. I did the laminate floor/painted the whole place a couple months ago, the room is no longer recognizable. I'm a total DIYer. Anything is possible with a little elbow grease and google ;).
Google saves me every day. The last time google saved me was a little over an hour and a half ago, trying to figure out how to use Amazon Prime to watch A Christmas Story on my brother's Xbox.
You win the coolcomputersetups. Its all over guys, we can all kill ourselves now
What's in the rig? Also, you are going straight to all-time top page imo; you could start a master race within the pc master race.
4770k and a 770 right now, I've been holding out for awhile to see what cooling options will be thrown on the 290x and/or a dual gpu version of it. Also now the kingpins are coming out to... I'd really like a pair of 790s if they ever get around to releasing them :P. Quadsli or Quadfire would be ideal with two dual gpu cards is what I'd love!
All that runs off a 770?
You bet. Gaming though I would use a single monitor for high settings/texture heavy requirements. I often play in windowed mode for a fps on a single monitor. Other styles of games i can play in surround without issue.
You have the same GPU as I do :) What inputs are you running those? 3 dvi and one hdmi? What is the big screen that you have?
Two dvi, one full size display port and one hdmi.
I just ordered a 4gb 770 for my first build (it was on sale), what kind of performance do you get?
I'd rate it as quite high. The 770 is an exceptional and proven card. Single monitor 1080,1400 or 1600p you will be able to run everything close to max and get excellent frame rate.
What if you do SLI?
Awesome Orr jersey! Also, very nice setup!
Giving away any of those cases?
Is that foobar2000 running in the background?
What is your layout? I really like it and i'm trying to replicate it for my own use
Actually I'm using one that Logan on Tek Syndicate made up, I just made my own color scheme and used the built in transparency option.
I have the same exact layout. Tek Syndicate for life! Logan and his team are some of the coolest out there. I hope you're like, future me or something, because this is just amazing.
How did your wire the switch to turn on/off your pc from your desk?
Stripped an old pc power switches pinout connector ran same gauge wire to a switch under the desk so when you flip the switch it completes the circuit and it turns on just like the switch built into any case :)
You're so damn crafty. GJ.
Is that just a protected switch or button? It looks like one of those switches where if you hit it it will turn off.
Suliman is my favorite ;) but it's so hard to choose!
That was a good album too, yeah. I like that song. I'm biased because I heard Army of Mushrooms first, though Herbert the Pervert is probably my favorite song from any other album. Makes me think of Starcraft: Brood War every time I hear it.
I saw them back in June this year, if you ever get the chance, go see them, one hell of a show!
I've seen some live shows on Youtube, the huge orbs that they stand in look nuuuts. I'm sure no video would do the light shows justice either.
That remake of The Messenger is powerful shizzle man
What kind of mat do you have under your chair?
Not sure of the brand name, I actually got it from staples, I believe it's 3x4 or pretty close, it was $25 or so. Nice mat, collects dog hair though! :
Is that a small TV screen in back, or a large monitor? I've seen that 3 + 1 big screen setup with noticeable frequency this past week and was wondering how one would go about doing that.
As long as its supported by the video card its not to hard to do. The bottom three are in surround and in the nvidia options i just dragged the fourth monitor to the position i wanted it. Right above the middle monitor.
Shit, that's 60"? The monitor setup made it look a lot smaller than that. wow. pretty cool. That's a wicked setup you've got going there.
Are you worried about burn in with the static images of a computer?
Tbh not really, I haven't noticed anything yet, I also have the monitors set to shut off completely after a few minutes of non use. I almost always make use of all screens in some way or another while using my rig.
One of the very few on here that made me say "whoooaa, that's cool."
Looks awesome! What do you using for the lighting behind the displays?
An NCIX link and a Bruins jersey in the gallery can only mean one thing... A traitor in our province!
Oh my god, that's beautiful. I take it one of those monitors is allocated to watch Bruin's games, no?
Thank you! Top 60" for the games ;) love to sit back on the couch and watch from a distance!
That is awesome! I may have to steal the layout of this room when I'm out of college and want to build a gaming room.
Wow that is so cool i hope me and my girlfriend have a room like that one day although im pretty sure she would be the one with the most monitors.
Whenever I'm not looking I have to shoo mine off. She is always at mine whenever I'm not haha ;)!
Whats up with the "black" sign?
Incredible, but as a Leafs fan, that Bruins jersey is turning me off the whole room, especially after tonight's game ;)
It was only 5-2 ;).
Im also only attracted to the smell of shit
You appear to have a small women in your computer, there.
After seeing this I just feel like a primitive fucking caveman... I mean a real neanderthal!!!
Ohh'd you get foobar to be transparent?
You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar! Sweet setup btw :)
That is such an awesome setup man
How did you get the power switch like that? I really want to learn how you did that
Try a black light in your case it'll make those tunes really pop!
That 900d is so empty. You need to fill that thing up. At least put your GPU under water!
Give me your room.
What kind of case is this? I've been looking for a big massive case like this.
I laughed way to much at that console repair kit! Sweet station bro!
Go go black and gold!!
What desk is that I really like it
It's an oak desk I've had for ages, painted black and chrome with a mirror rested on top.
Gaben be Praised. But seriously hands down the best computer setup I have ever seen, I know what I'm doing with my old CPU when I upgrade...
Wow, great setup. Really like the TV on top, I was considering going for a projector/TV on top of my station, but could never pull the trigger on that. Are you facing any h/w related issues because of that big screen, or would a relatively modern dual gpu combo pull that off no bother?
Is that a little Vicious Delicious I see!? Great album choice =D
I spy a gigantor sub beneath the desk! Nice rig man.
I can see you are a true disciple of GabeN, brother!
"Scented candles keep the peasants away since they tend to only be attracted to the smell of shit"
I love the way this setup looks, but how do some of you guys deal with having something over your primary monitor setup?
My favorite gaming setup so far!
That's a very very nice computer setup and man-cave :) Karma for Infected Mushroom
The best part is that it means without the candles covering it up his room smells like shit.
There is a wii somewhere around here... I have no choice!
Exactly how i picture my gaming setup to be when i get my own place :D
That looks fucking amazing. I love all the coloured lights everywhere.
The sexiest, coziest, most well-lit and organized room I've seen in a while.

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