Same Monitor - Computer Setup


What do you do that could possibly need the power of DUAL 780ti's? :O
And a disdain for any compromise in the graphics department. :)
I love Noctua fans. I don't understand why they have to be SO UGLY. Beige and brown?
I think they were coming out with/came out with a "black edition". But honestly the colors have grown on me. Mark of quality.
In the 2nd picture it looks like your speakers are on the wrong sides.
Ah, you're probably right! Doesn't bother me much. I guess I'll switch the L/R channels in Windows.
How old are you? & What kind of job do you work?
WOW, my dream job, mind elaborating if you have the time on your schooling I can go in September and would like to get in to the coding side of things.
I'm all self-taught, no formal schooling. The only thing I usually recommend, is that if you want to do this for a living, you should actually have a passion for it. As in - if you weren't doing it for a living, you'd be doing it as a hobby. Those are the people that really excel in the profession.
Wow hearing you are self taught is even better, I am very interested could you explain your steps maybe in the beginning like where you started etc, I already know HTML/CSS and am looking to get into preferably an Object oriented language not so much the web dev side, if you have time or dont want to flood it here we can PM maybe?
Basically if you want to enter the field self-taught, don't think it's going to take less time than equivalent education would. Pick up books, and absorb like a sponge. Spend a few years making things you want to make, and look for employment after that. Contributing to some open source projects can help your resume. Above all, have a passion for the job and also be a bit lucky. I've been on the hiring side of the interview table, and I'm not necessarily looking for a candidate with a degree, but above all somebody with a real passion for the job. If you don't love it and desire to do it as a hobby as well as a job, don't bother. That's pretty much it! :) Happy to answer any other questions.
I plan to attend school just looking for a place to start until then, which language would you recommend would prefer not to learn a web dev language.
Yeah, one is on order, should be here Mon/Tues. I usually use the UPS, but a combination of the addition of another GPU and AC4 was seeing it overloaded. Unfortunately I can't get a good consumer-grade UPS capable of handling this system.
Eh, you have to give up on the UPS. Mine is really only to give me time to save and turn off, and I have one that keeps my modem and router up. I've lost a lot of stuff to crappy surge protectors, and I'll never plug anything I value into something I don't trust.
Screw the cleanliness, where's the details on the monitor stand? :-D
What stand is that, I'm going to do the same monitor setup eventually?

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