Sweet Monitors - Computer Setup


Interesting placement and positioning of your subwoofer...
The subwoofer is faced down actually. It doesn't get in the way at all, and I prefer the back facing forwards so I can change the settings easier.
Having your monitor right infront of that center speaker is bad news bears. Get it above/below your monitor. Subs generally sound better when they aren't right up next to the wall too, you'll get less of the boom and a cleaner sound.
I spent an hour trying to see if I can hear a difference with the center speaker behind the monitor and I honestly could not tell. All I had to do was raise the level by 1 and it sounded as clear and loud as it would if there wasn't a monitor in front of it. The sub is aiming down, not at the wall. I used to have a front facing one but I couldn't really distinguish which was which in a blind comparison.
Fair enough - no one can know the set up better than who is sitting in front of it. The sub thing doesn't matter what way the cone is facing, you are still getting very early reflections from that wall.
Completely true. You're right about the sub too, other people were thinking that it was front facing (making it shoot directly at the wall) but it is not. I have a bunch of sound absorbing material in this room so I don't notice any reflections.
Very nice, what power you putting out all together with that sound system ?
Any idea how I can accurately calculate that? I once though it was roughly 880 watts but I think that's very inaccurate.
I have a 1000watt system but I added some 1000watt club speakers to it as well They are loud but I don't it works like that I'm guessing the amp only puts out certain amount of power to each speaker I may be wrong. Hopefully some one that knows what they are on about will correct us :)
I don't think that's quite right, so I will wait for someone to correct us also :)
Seems really cramped to me, too much stuff in too small a room
I prefer having everything I need in arm's reach.
Nice gaming setup and setup . I can see Rainmeter on the desktop too , but have no idea where the music bars are from ... care to share please ? :D
Those are pretty sweet monitors its bugging me so ill just say it, shouldn't the tweeters be closer to head(ear) level. You know stereo imaging and such idk

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