Triple Monitors - Computer Setup


Psht, fuck your girlfriend, that's awesome!
My girlfriend is in the first pic trying out some F1 racing for the first time. She was surprisingly good at it. This system took me about 5 years to build. I never paid full price for any component, always used: newegg and amazon daily deals/flash sales/coupons/rebates and the ever glorious Cyber Monday deals where I'd blow my entire year's budget all at once.
Virginity Station, huh? So you guys haven' know...
Please tell me you don't try to play music over the 5.1.
5.1 Dark Side of the Moon would be fascinating with the right setup.
Gas, grass or ass, nobody pretends to ride for free.
I love racing games, but rarely play them.
Thanks!! I was actually primarily an FPS/BF3 person but I started developing a ganglion cyst in my left wrist so I had to give up FPSes for a bit. Luckily one of my good friends asked me if I was interested in the Simbin Christmas bundle which I definitely was and so was born my simracing career.
You don't need to worry about women when you have setup like that.
Hahaha yeah I def would not have gone overboard if not for the fact that I already have a girlfriend.
What is that from, i need to watch it..
You could just read the books.
Yes, you absolutely do.
Wait...having a girlfriend allowed you to buy all this?! I have the complete opposite effect - I'm glad I bought my system way back in high school, because there is no way whatsoever I'd be able to burn $900 on a PC anytime soon. College + Girlfriend = No money for Jarl_Walnut
I think it would be sick if we got to see this computer setup in action.
Does r/gaming setups allow video clips? I can post it on youtube and link it here if it is allowed.
Not sure, but if you could that'd be sweet!
Ah hell ya man. Go for it.
I don't think there is a rule against it, so go for it!
Fuck the rules, post it bud!
Subcoolcomputersetups Rules No OS or platform wars - your preference is irrelevant.
No rule against posting it in the commments.
I was simply stating the rules so that he wouldn't get in trouble.
Are those chairs comfortable for every hours upon hours of browsing with a keyboard and mouse? I keep considering one.
Most definitely not. They put bass transducers in the chair to give you vibration during explosions, running over curbs/bumps/grass, etc. That part works fantastic the problem is that they made the seat cushion really thin so it doesn't block out the vibration. This makes your ass hurt after sitting for about 2 hours, also the transducer in the seat is located dead center so I get tingles in my pucker. It doesn't poke into my bunghole but you can definitely feel it like a bicycle seat. Placing the pillow over top definitely makes it feel like a Mercedes. I can sit in it for over 6 hours no problem with the pillow mod and I still get good vibration. I also would not pay retail for it (retail: $300-$500). I paid $150 and got this off some lady on Craigslist, was sitting in her basement for years in perfect condition.
Tingles in my Pucker is a great name for a band.
Damn, what town do you live in to find something so awesome on CL? I usually see old Dells or broken/stolen Macs.
I live in Atlanta. Lots of rich white suburbanites with too much money on their hands ;)
Hell yeah im from the 770 also
So your GF loves the seat?
When the pillow mod is removed.
Thanks! Just the pedals that came with the T500RS. They are definitely a step above the Logitech G25/G27/DFGT pedals but still a notch below the Fanatec CSR Elite or CSP pedals. I really wish that Bodin guy would release more load-cell pedal mods but he's always out of stock. The 7 speed shifter is mainly used as a 5 or 6 speed when I race GT cars or Radicals, I mainly use paddles when driving F1.
Bit late to the party here, but any games in particular you would recommend? (I have a G27)
Beast! Love the steering wheel combo! No need for the 7 speed though... :D
The T500RS comes with a regular steering wheel as well. I just happened to have the F1 Wheel attached when I took the pics. I just use paddles when racing F1, but I definitely drive stick when I race GT cars.
That is a lot of speaker wattage pointed at a very small space. Stretch that field out man.
I would but I live in a tiny condo and i have to leave my g/f some workout space.
I thought I seen a seatbelt, I need to lay off the weed.
I'm so jelly. Hopefully this summer leads to a home which leads to a room to setup a racing rig. I've been sitting on a G25 and a seat pulled from a Mustang for months. Begging for a chance to sit behind my triple monitors and drive.
"The Virginity" sounds kinda classy, might just be me though.
That wheel is goddamn sexy. Big ups for the station.
Heeey, familiar monitor arms. How do you like them?
If having this gaming setup requires being a virgin then count me in.
Nice monitors...ASUS 25.5" VW266H? I just sold mine on eBay not long ago, I know they're hard to come by now...
Not much desk space lol. Nice setup though
Nice setup. What is the FOV like with that distance between the screen and the wheel? I would find it extremely hard to hit the apex seated that far away.
You mean your sister OP?
You better be Iracing with that setup!
Considering your girlfriend is the authority on whether you get nookie or not, her moniker for your setup is alarming.
Marry meh. I only have 2 monitors, but I swear I'll make up for it!
Didn't know your hand could talk. ;) Wow
Girlfriend, yeah right, how much did you pay her to sit there and let you take a picture.
Does your sister know you call her your girlfriend on the internet?
Your gf is a brillant asshole lol
I would have given my virginity to play at that gaming setup.
Your gf isn't the only one who calls it that...
Your girlfriend isn't very intelligent obviously, because 1. You have a girlfriend from whom I assume you've slept with and 2. She's in it, if she says it's a virginity station then she is only insulting herself. lol

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