Your Monitor - Computer Setup


Tissues ready to go for emergency fap sessions. Lol, nice setup :]
Also I have terrible allergies :/
Yeah, me too. Cats are my worst nightmare... I probably have bought enough Claritin to help retire the CEO's grandkids and then some.
Cats are literally hitler (don't kill me internet)
Why? Why did I expect this to be the first comment from the moment my eyes lay upon his gaming setup...
Is that your only radiator? If it is, what kind of temps are you getting?
I have two Alphacool xt45 480mm rads, I hit about 55c(full load) on the cpu (need to reseat at some point) and around 35c(full load) on the gpu
Can you help my WC my system when I build it? Like I don't want a simple closed loop system I want something freaking elaborate like yours. What do you need to do it? Sorry about my noobishness.
Come on...the tissues aren't always there...wink wink nudge
Eh, they pretty much are, too many people moving through this room to fap here >_<
I think what he meant was that you probably finish boxes upon boxes real fast. knowutmsayin
Can you give us a link to your wallpaper? I love Kill La Kill!
Your build looks great, but your monitor doesn't do it justice!
I got a cheap monitor in anticipation of g-sync and better 1440p/1600p monitors, don't worry it's a temporary solution
Can you link that mousepad?
Kill la Kill, brother. Possibly the best anime to ever touch our existence.
So hype for thursday, KLK and Chuu2 Ren!!!

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