1440p Monitor - Computer Setup


Bro can i borrow like 600 bucks?
Why a 1440p monitor for the same price? You'd get an extra 400 horizontal pixels.
Would love to know where you got that The Departed poster.
Where did you get The Departed poster?
All the cool kids are, and by cool kids, I mean my wife and I both have them as well.
No offence, but you could get a way better headphone for the money.
That monitor is not exactly a minimalist setup... thats easily a 600.00 monitor
Not sure what minimalist has to do with cost?
How you liking the monitor ? I have the dell version and its a love hate relationship. I wish I had gone for 3 23in monitors but than again its sharp as can be. Its also my first matte screen and I'm not sure if I like it
Currently love the monitor. I wanted to have that dual screen simulation with only one monitor which this does pretty well. Only grievances I have is when it comes to gaming. I've run into 2 games so far that act ridiculous when playing at native resolution. But I love the matte display and the color. The pictures may not show it well but the screen is sitting at 0 brightness.
Which Resolution did you use ? Doesn't the LG have an option to centre lower resolution stuff without stretching them ?
What do you mean "dual screen simulation?"
I think if you put, lets say the browser on the left side and Excel on the other, the windows are still big enough to comfortably work which makes it feel like you'd use two monitors.
How so ? I have a Dual-Monitor Setup right now and are trying to sell them to get a 21:9 one.
That's a low monitor, do you not get neck ache leaning to look at it?
Fantastic setup -- love that desk! Where'd you get it?
Was that a vaporizer pen?

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