Computer Setup


We might as well have saw the predecessor to the Corsair Air 540.
Kinda crazy that since 2009 we've gone all the way to 780's.
2009 will have been 5 years ago in 2 days.
Modern Warfare 2 was PC game of the year.
I don't care what you say, I loved that game to death. For me, it was the best Call of duty game of all times - offered more custom-ability than cod4 and remained somewhat balanced, but was fun to play.
I agree. I don't play COD anymore, but I think the MW2 was my all-time favorite. I don't care that melees were OP and the noob-tube was unfair; it was the most fun I had in COD.
Maybe once they fixed all the bugs, I liked MW1 better. MW2 drove me to drop XBL and my 360 and go back to PC gaming.
There was nothing balanced about that game. Commando OP juggernaut OP scavenger OP and the nuke was so easy to get that you could very easily end games consistently with them. Modern warfare was the best hands down.
Holy fuck, I don't know why, but that just put everything in perspective
16 hours for me :D
Do I sense a Hak5 fan?
For which games did you need such power?
Epeen. Mostly that. I just played CSS and Portal mostly back then.
I feel stupid... but what is epeen?
I think it means E-penis its basically bragging rights.
Basically getting a really high 3DMark/Benchmark score. I was pulling in really good ones with this setup.
What were the GPU temps like? I'm guessing like surface-of-the-sun hot?
Exactly my question, it looks like you can barely slide a credit card through the spacing between the GPU's!
They are leafblower design cards and gets great temps even when stacket together. they get air from the radiator and exhaust it all out back.
Just wondering, how much would it cost then and how much would it cost now?
How is this a Gaming setup?
Spoiler: its not, unless you consider those 2 shitty pics near the end.
Do you still have it by any chance? Would be really cool to see that beast running BF4.
I have the case. My current setup is an i7 965, 12GB DDR3 1600, and an AMD R9 290X. I just specced out a water loop for that so stay tuned. ;)
The Corsair 300R. Something simple and good airflow.
Planning on upgrading to something with PCIe 3.0? Would eliminate a whole lot of bottlenecks
I don't notice any bottlenecks currently.
I wish hadnt painted it for a more badass look. Overall these pictures are still better than some of the stuff that gets posted here 4 years later :P
Geez was all the fans really needed for that hard drive
Jesus Christ that water loop looks insane.
Im liking this trend of old high end gaming setups. more please
Bloody hell is that a thick enough radiator just for the CPU? Did you run out of money before you could buy blocks for the 260s or something!?
Are you suggesting a CPU loop with three graphics cards on a single 240??
In all honesty, I thought it was a 360 and it seems on second inspection that it isn't as thick as it looks. I'm still fairly sure that you could run a CPU +3 GPUs on a good thick 240, you won't be overvolting them but I would bet it would run cooler than the 260s with no air gap!
Define "good thick 240" The thermal load produced by three (Modern) graphics cards and CPU is rather extreme for that little surface area.
An RX240? I'm not totally convinced, and while I wouldn't want to build my own loop with 3 GPUs+1 CPU, I think it would cope.
Yes, you did imply that.
I'm sure the 240 is very good for it, but I was saying - merely in jest - that it could support the full hardware complement.
But then agian, you don't know what he is doing. His CPU could be a early extreme model. I am pushing 1.39 volts through my 3820 at 4.625 Ghz. When benching I am in mid to high 60s, which perhaps could handle a single graphics card as well, but nowhere near three.
Those Phobya ones are insane though, it wouldn't even fit in most cases.
Cool, not a computer setup though.
Where does one post pics of sexy towers?
R/pcmasterrace might get a kick out of this
Most likely, you have Said something That was not true. Look in your messages for further info :)
Looked back, I was criticizing on someone who spent his money unwisely. ($2000 on a PC is no problem if you do make it look good.)
I dont understand. was it a 2000 doller PC that did not look good? or just some idiot who used Z77 or Z87 for more than one card?
Stock cooler, Overpriced Z87 motherboard (Gigabyte Z87 OC Force), and no braided cables.

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