6 Monitor - Computer Setup


What do you do that requires 6?
I work at an engineering firm who also does facilities management. Some of our management software is older and requires more time to connect, so leaving multiple applications loading at once on different monitors is not uncommon.
Lots and lots of porn. :P
Don't give me any ideas now! Lol
Too bad you are only using windows Xp
You are right. Unfortunately because some software we have on the management systems are only compatible with XP, we actually have a windows 95 machine also. lol
I know the feels. My company just updated last year
Thinapp does wonders for this. I work for my County as a PC Admin and we are always behind with OS's so thinapp allows us to have win7 but use 95 apps :D
I've been thinking about something like this for work too (as a developer).
I believe it has 4 video cards, two are split and two and independent. No difference in heat.
This makes my dual monitor workstation setup feel inadequate.
I definitely knocked it until I had 6 legitimate processes running at once, I had to get 3 at home really fast after adjusting. Speed is the major factor.
May I ask what your job is? Looks like some kind of programming development.
I program automation systems and do facilities management operations at the same time. Some programming involved in autocad and C+
A minor point of curiosity. If they're 1280x1024 each, then your 6 monitor array has the same resolution as a 4K television.
Bleh 4:3, might as well be 4 monitors.
The IT storeroom probably had them sitting around.
You using the helix 6 monitor mount?
Any chance your a trader?
No sir, building operations/programmer here
Welcome to the club good sir.
How do you like the samsung monitors?

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