A Monitor - Computer Setup


Love the simplicity, how's tri-monitors treating you?
Thanks! The simple look was something I always wanted. The tri monitors are amazing. Having so much screen real estate and pixels to work with makes multitasking a DREAM. I usually have Twitter on the right screen and the left/middle vary depending on what I'm doing.
I dig the setup. What desks are those and where did you get them? I need a corner configuration and these look like they'll fit the bill. Thanks.
Yeah, dang. That is an awesome desk. Unfortunately to get that over to the US of A shipping would probably be slightly cost prohibitive.
I'm 100% sure you would be able to find something similar in the states. I believe the desk was made in China anyway (which is actually surprising). Spend an hour or two Googling a lot of online furniture stores and cross reference. Hope you find something!
If anyone finds this desk, please link us.
I've been to Ikea and I do like the desk, although for my needs I'm looking for something slightly more along the lines of OP. I may just end up building one.
That's probably a better option. I like mine well enough, but depending on the way your house is decorated, it might not fit. It's solid though.
Thanks! What do you mean? A monitor arm for each panel? What's the reasoning for doing this? I don't think it would work, it's hard enough doing 3 monitors on a corner desk :(
I'm still not sure if that would work. The angle that my monitors are on now, that's the minimum angle they can be on, this is due to the L shape. They can't be at any lesser of an angle unfortunately (they'll hang over the edge of the desk)
Mostly for aesthetics, and to gain more space on the desk.
This is nice, quite nice. I would probably put the side monitors vertically myself. Apart from that, well, I would need a bigger budget. I have a 2k monitor and it is amazing, I can only dream of 3!
Thank you. The CrossFire is actually enabled (I highlighted it with my cursor just to show that I was aware :P). I'm guessing it's just not reading the AMD beta drivers properly. I tested with the monitors in vertical but immediately changed it back. The desk and monitors themselves (being 27") are just too tall for you to be able to use them vertically. I was looking 3/4 up the ceiling just to look at the top of the screen. It also makes the viewing angles (again, at the top of the screen) uncomfortable.
I thought that crossfire highlight thing was weird too... figured it was the program alerting you, but you knew all about it, good for you. You'll have to tell me if you have any problems with stuttering, I'm curious!
Awesome setup. If I had the money - ah well, maybe some day.
Where'd you get that background?
I just ordered that very monitor - good buy or would you say "nah, if i had the chance again, i wouldn't have ordered it"? ;)
I have literally never used such a superior monitor before. I fell in love with it as soon as I started using it, and I still am in love! I had two cheap Korean 27" monitors before this and I returned them. My opinion is never cheap out. It's so worth it to purchase with a premium manufacturer like Dell. They also calibrate every display at the factory, so the panels will be perfect (calibration wise) when you get it. My Korean ones would have different colours to them! Trust me, you'll love it.
Where do you put your feet?
Good question. Prior to upgrading my computer the other week, I had plenty of room inside that centre area to put my feet. Heck, I used to put my feet up on the case (it was a POS anyway). With this GIANT case (Corsair AIR 540), I barely have any leg room. As I type this, my legs are squished to the left side between the desk wall and the case :P. It's just one of those things I have adapted to. It's not a tiny tiny space, but I would like more leg room.
Nice upgrade from BC396 to XTS3000/5000!
Hahahha! Jesus you have good eyes. Identifying it from it's knobs :P. Yes, love the XTS5000.
Thats one wicked setup, do you game on all the monitors or just one?
Thank you! I only game on one. I thought that I would game on all three, but that changed. A resolution of 7680x1440 means frame rates are quite low because the graphics and CPU power required to drive them are so intense, despite having two of the fastest cards currently on the market. Playing on one 2560x1440 monitor is still amazing. I actually didn't like eyefinity/3 monitor in Battlefield 3, where I tested it, it seems unnatural viewing for me. Also - a lot of games seem buggy at those resolutions. E.g. train simulator seems to warp through walls etc.
So those are 290x's right? I would love to see you run some benchmarks at those resolutions. I am insanely interested in the Eyefinity performance of those cards, especially in crossfire.
Not to be rude because I'm digging your setup and I'm going to buy the exact same one (same screens, processor, ram) but with 2 280X's. Because the 290X hasn't the best cooler yet and is not able to perform to it's fullest. You should've waited a bit. (:
Where did you get the desk?
The gaps in between your monitors... I have the same thing and can't get them to match up perfectly. I figure maybe I could glue them together and they might stay, but I don't want to glue my monitors. Have you thought about this yourself?
There will always be a gap due to the sharp angle
Just tuck the side monitors in a little tighter behind the bezel of the center monitor. The buttons on the U2713 aren't on the edge so it shouldn't be a problem.
They should design it so the base can adjust to close that gap
I need to get a clock like the one that you have. A lot of times while playing games I don't want to pause just to look at my Steam clock.
I think I'll just stick to my Steam clock for now... :/
The desk was purchased in March, the monitors were purchased only a few months ago, and the SSD was purchased slightly before that. The SSD and monitors were consolidated into the new system build that I received 2 weeks ago. It's been a process over many months.
If you don't mind me asking, are you in highschool? I'm in highschool,. with a pretty well paying job, but it seems a lot of my money goes into Gas for my truck as well as insurance.
Nah I graduated (young) a couple of years ago. I am 19 however.
Ah, well good for you! I'll take it you were homeschooled?
Ta. No no, public high school. I'm in Aus though
AH, that explains it.
Sweet set up dude. Got any inside shots of your rig?
Thank you. Nah I didn't take any because there is nothing special in there and I didn't have adequate lighting for the inside of the case (to take nice photos), so I didn't bother
What size are those monitors? I'm getting a 23" and I have no idea how big it'll actually be.
Damn, you're rollin' in it.
16:9 . If you go 30", you'll get 2560x1600 which is 16:10 I believe.
Oh weird. I swear, some 16:9 monitors look waaay wider than others.
Maybe the bezel is thinner on some of them?
Clean, well-organized, three of the same monitors (Dell makes great quality displays), plenty of extra room. Awesome.
Thanks heaps. I wouldn't have been able to settle for three different branded/sized monitors haha. I love the simple design about my setup. Thanks for the comement.
How do you like your headrest? I have an Aeron and have been looking at the very same one.
Yeah it's good. Though even in the most extended position, I have to put my head back a lot to actually use it. However, this is probably MY issue because I'm not used to sitting properly back on chairs. None the less, get it because it does as advertised and looks awesome!
Yo bro, epic setup. I would like to know what the moodlighting lights or whatever they are (around the back right of the desk) Could you give me a link? From New Zealand.
Sure. They are IKEA Dioder multi colour LED lights 102.023.28. Check out some videos on youtube, they are quite nice.
Sweet setup! What model of chair is that? It looks hella comfortable.
I had it in the coolcomputersetups description. It's the Herman Miller Aeron.
Nice setup, you should totally get more lights for the otherside too haha. Make it more balanced.
How, the other side is the walk way? :P Thanks btw
Oh whoops! Thought it was a wall, yeah don't blind whoever comes in with leds. :]
Are those IPS monitors? cuz if so DAYUM! also huge thumbs up for Carbide Air bro! shame you could'nt change places with the copy machine and not hiding it under the desk.
Yeah, they are AH-IPS (advanced high performance). Most amazing monitor. Yeah I might do that. I hate it on the floor :(
Very nice setup man! I've got myself a new Dell UltraSharp U2312HM last week witch i'm very happy with, I can only imagine how glorious three of those 27 inch Dell monitors are! Enjoy your setup mate!
Okay, I'll ask. What the fuck do you do for a living? Off the top of my head I'm guessing that's a >$5000 setup, furniture included.
I work a normal paying job. I'm just young and live at home, you know the rest.
Ah, well fair enough. Enjoy the disposable income while you can, son.
I was wondering lmfao on amazon those monitors run at like $660 even on sale, thats crazy.
+1 for the monitors, -2 for the cringe caps and the trendy chair
No they aren't. They're idling. They are literally designed to run at 95 degrees celsius under load.
It is nice to see someone who actually uses quality monitors in here.
Aww thank you. Monitors are very important to me. I'm glad to see somebody shares my opinion as well. :)
And some guys would prefer to have 3 ugly wives instead of 1 hot one. I'm not saying they would be wrong, but everyone is going to call them crazy.
With monitors, I believe it is different.
Looks like someone just got a new job

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