Portrait Monitors - Computer Setup


I would love to see some more pictures/info about the computer in your coffee table if you have time.
I can throw up some pics later, but it isn't too complicated. The table is just two ikea lacks put together, then the top is two sheets of plexiglass. for attaching the hdds and power supply I used velcro and a spacer ( I used a lightswitch plate) to just get of the surface. Then I drilled the Mobo spacers into the wood.
You call that lying around? I wonder what else you have lying around.
I second that motion. Seeing the WIP makes me want to try and do that myself.
The Minecraft sword would be my weapon of choice when in trouble.
Go Green! Go white! Nice Gaming setup!
Beat me to a "Go Green."
Why do you need two macbooks?
Eh, mostly because i'm dumb. Got the 17 for college then last summer I was seduced by the retina. I do generally travel with the retina and keep the 17 inch right there for music.
You guys buy macbooks just to listen to music. I will never understand.
I'm loving your apartment/home setup!
Thanks! :) Took me 6 months of shifting stuff around to get it right.
Neat wallpaper, got a link to it?
Thanks! Spur of the moment project a couple weeks ago.
I think at that point you have to stop calling it a heat sink and call it a heat turbine.
Haha yeah zalman heatsinks are big. Bought it on newegg years ago and was not expecting that big guy.
Oh, I see. How your table is (and how the mobo is exposed) makes it look even bigger. I didn't realize it was one of those "standard" Zalman heat sinks. I've got one too, but it looks much bigger in your picture. =]
The foot rest is a nice addition
This just reminds me of the cliche hacker dude setup during a heist, "hacking the mainframe."
What type of stand did you use for the two Portrait monitors on each side of the main display? Is it one that wraps around, wall mounted, or?
The big tv is on its own stand, the two sides are on a wrap around triple monitor stand mounted onto the desk then I made a mount for the top using pipes and attaching it to the triple mount.
Damn this is a really good one.
General Fong is such a dick.
A fellow spartan. I'm so proud. GO GREEN
I would pay serious money to have someone like you build this for me.
Link to football hands wallpaper?
I read the second picture caption as Primary Bullshit.
Go green! Cool to see another spartan on here.
You should look into a microserver for all that data and use the PC as a front end from there. I have the N54L its on sale with £100 cashback at present!
Why have 7.5 TB hooked to the table in the living room? I can understand the SSD to reduce noise but HDD would go nicely in a cheap tower in a closet or out of sight. Plus if you are feeling adventurous you could even set up a nice ZFS raid with FreeNAS. That way you can have all those drives appear as 1 and have some redundancy if need be.
Besides the Minecraft sword, are any of the others from games?
Master sword and crowbar are from games. I think one of those swords may be from Lord of the Rings? Not sure.
The fact that I was too busy looking at the swords in front made me miss the fact that the one in back is a master sword. I'm ashamed now.
Yep! master sword, half life crowbar, then the bottom two are lotr, the witch kings sword and narsil.
Whats your occupation? Lots of expensive gadgets
PKG Engineer at a tech company, a lot of this is over the span of 4 or 5 years through latter HS years and College.
Holy this is gorgeous. I looove the setup to the right with the larger T.V.

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