Drawers, Monitor - Computer Setup


I came here to say the same thing.
Where did you get that desk? That looks really slick.
My dad built the original black desktop, since then, I havebuilt new legs, added the drawers, monitor arms and the secondary electronics space
Where did you get that large square of wood flooring?
I built it. The base is four 4'x8' laminated particle boards layered opposite directions to each other, then the hardwood is a stamped rubber type product with interlocking grooves. I got away with only paying 250 or so in materials and got my dad to do free labor installing it all. A little more expensive than one of those vynal mats from office max but much better to roll on. My chair would have destroyed the carpet.
This may sound silly, but do you think you should get a matt to put on the wood to protect it from the chair?
6’0. I like having them high so I can look straight ahead instead of at a downward angle.
I want to do this if I ever get my own place.
So about your MacBook stand bending over and taking a shit on that box underneath it...
It's not entirely useless. Obviously I wish someone built a sturdier version of it, but it does what I want it to in that place.
Nope, hobbyist circuit building tools.
Ahh that makes more sense in a gaming setup.
What are the 2 side monitors called? I see a lot of people have similar ones and I would like to pick a pare up.
Just normal Acer 24" turned vertical
That whiteboard is badass. I want one like that haha
Out of curiosity, what kind of arduino tinkering do you do?
Kittys face on #6 is priceless.
Wow good luck with that posture.

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