Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


I'll do that now, thanks for the idea :)
Amazing how crafty this is; i will definitely keep this idea in the back of my head for the future!
Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn. That is some nice work!
I want to do something like that with my desk...except with a little more glass...for an ethereal effect.
Do you have any more/higher res pics? I'll take all you have of the build, as I'm thinking of doing somethign similar and building my own computer desk, perhaps moutning it to the wall as a "floating" desk too. I like the wood look, gives it a warm homey inviting look to it.
That is all I have of the build sorry, it didn't occur to me to post them until I finished so I just took a few on my phone as I went along for personal reference.
Wow well done! Amazing work from an amazing idea.
Thats cool, I hadn't see it before. My inspiration came from some pallet garden furniture my wife saw on pintest.
Cool stuff man! Really impressed :)
I am extremely fucking impressed. Nice work!
Very nice. How hard is it to built a desk using those?
Building the desk was quite easy, lots of glue a few clamps and some panel pins. The hardest part, by a very long way, was getting the pallets apart without damaging the wood too much. I am going to make a matching display cabinet for my geek stuff but can't bring myself to break apart more pallets right now.
Hey, nice setup, i am thinking about doing something with my setup, could to tell me what type of lighting that is? it looks nice
Needs more bookmarks. Can only provide one. Help this clever coolcomputersetupsor.
Amazing craftsmanship. I am very impressed.
This is actually awesome.
Some people need or want expansion in their computers. Some arent happy with a laptop, or a aio with laptop parts.
For a living I am a programmer and compiling/launching an app can sometimes take a while. A few seconds here and there may not seem like large gains but many times a day, day in day out, you do all you can to ease the pain :)
Sidenote: Please be careful when reusing wooden skids. Many of them are pressure treated with nasty chemicals and the dust created by sawing / sanding them can be quite toxic. Wear a respirator / dustmask and do it outside. Also be careful burning them.
Nice, but I thought that the desk looked better before you sanded it (I'm guessing that it looked worse irl)
It did look good but the wood was very uneven and I would have spent my life picking splinters out of my arms!
Haha yeah, I realised that after posting the comment. Very nice idea anyway :D
The fact that you took a flaming fucktarded piece of shit awful idea (pallets (don't ask, previous job)) and turned it into something ridiculously useful means that your dick is clearly bigger than mine.
Pallets are absolutely horribly disgusting eh?
Now that's what I call recycling.
Is there a sustainability award for r/gaming setups? If so, you've just won.
You should have used a hole saw and bored a hole through the desk so the cables wouldnt hang over the back. Then ran them along the inside lip of the desk to the Mac Pro Moved over into the corner of the "L" of the desk.
I have a plain very similar to this, I needed an mini displayport extension cable to move the mac pro and that should be here on Monday. The lead on the Cinema Display is very short :(
That cutout would scare the shit out of me
Nice but there's a Sasquatch in your room!!
Holy moly !! Awesome work !!

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