Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


CPU - AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 3.3GHz
Overall? except for sony bravia.
You also gain levels here
I'm guessing you work at a movie theater?
Nope, I just picked up a few posters and got some cheap frames for them, turned out really nice for what I paid.
The movie posters are the only good thing I got out of my movie theatre gig.
Awesome setup love the poster's
I have the same case! :D Great Case
Your not really gaining the wait there, just not losing it. Unless your eating at the desk
All three of those movies blow lol
Op is a fag ;D
The winky face doesn't deter the attempted insult.
That what I kinda thought, which is why I didn't downvote you. However, other people aren't always so keen.
Also, if you look on my post in gaming setups you will see he did the same :p

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