Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


Nice! Does that actually work well as a desktop "monitor"?
This is all I have been thinking about ever since the Occulus was in announced. The only thing I can imagine is "unlimited desktop space"... just turn your head.
This never even occurred to me. Wow, this would be an enormous game changer.
Imagine google street view in full surround vision. One step closer to basically being able to visit anywhere in the world in seconds.
Heck, why even leave the house ever again? Suspend the user in amniotic fluid and liquefy the dead to feed them intravenously to the living! Have the user's own body power the whole thing, and you've got yourself the most efficient gaming setup possible, though you may or may not need to dodge some bullets...
Go home Matrix, you're drunk
The music gave me an immediate feeling that I was in Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon.
Playing it now and it's just so trippy.
It's a great game. Well worth it.
I loved the 80s training/cyborg sex montage at the end. That game is hilarious.
Haha I never ended up finishing blood dragon but this kind of makes me want to
I love Hollywood technology and hackers. It's just a bunch of stuff that happens.
I came here for some goddamn Gibson.
Pondered using a webcam on top to display a livefeed wallpaper so as you move around its as if your desktop is in the real world. could recognize your dresser and display programs on top of it.
Well, from what I've heard, I don't think the Rift would be as useful as other up-and-coming projects if augmented reality was your goal.
By default it just puts the same desktop image in both eyes, and all zoomed in, it hurts your head to look at. Someone mentioned a plug-in, I should check into that.
I can't imagine this being possible
It'd be like being surrounded by monitors, except you can keep spinning in your chair for more than 360 degrees of them.
Go ahead, keep spinning. You'll just end up being wrapped in the USB cord that tethers the Oculus to the PC :(. WE NEED WIRELESS.
There must be some USB / Wifi or USB / desk area network adapter for that.
Plug it in to a laptop.
We've looked into it at our office. HDMI over wifi is common and reliable. You can power the Rift with a battery. USB is the tricky part. USB over wifi has latency and reliability issues that make it unusable for the Rift, and while there are traces online of a few wireless USB adapters, they seem to have all vanished.
Skip it, then. Go full Gargoyle and strap a laptop to your back.
Or you could have the cable mounted on a swivel on the ceiling somehow. Kind of like a car wash.
I'm thinking combine chromecast streaming tech and a decent battery with an oculus and you are done.
The Razor Hydra needs this as well, I would not be surprised to see both of those released as wireless. At the very least some company would release some kind of accesory to make Rift wireless.
Get lost in the wallpaper...
Interestingly enough, there is already a desktop plugin that almost gives this ability, in time the feature will more than likely be added
So odd to watch a video made for the rift while watching a video made for the rift, that made my head hurt.. but so much room for possibilities
Unfortunately, the resolution is way too low to do any text/graphic/office work, or even web browsing. Maybe one day.
I'm not OP but I have one.
I am curious about that too. It would sure heighten the appeal for me!
It's too low quality
How is this not horrendous for your eyes? I can't imagine focusing on something so close to my face for hours.
Focusing is fine, but the screen quality isn't actually great. Despite the hype, I think most people would prefer to play on a nice 23'+ monitor than the (first) oculus rift. They will obviously improve it with revisions/new versions, though.
Currently the developer version is 1280x800, and as expected for anything being developer version, is somewhat crappy. The consumer version is suppose to be at least 1920x1080 (1080p basically).
Keep in mind the horizontal resolution is halved. So even with a 1920x1080 screen you are only seeing 960x1080 in each eye.
Right however I think in this case the combined image would be analogous to the full resolution right?
Actually no. Think about it. The two pictures don't "combine" side to side but rather "overlap" to create the 3D effect. Each eye only sees 1080x960, and so the overall field of view is 1080x960 (or slightly wider since each picture is barely shifted laterally from the other.)
Yeah, but when they say 1920x1080, they are talking about each eye anyway aren't they? Meaning your overall field of view is 1920x1080.
No. The consumer version is a single 1080p screen. Each eye receives half of that.
The consumer version hasnt veeb released
Theyy've already said they're going to make the consumer edition high-resolution, i.e. 1920x1080. Personally, I'm hoping for 2560x1440 or 4k being available, though it's unlikely.
Not released but it's happening, they had a demo one at E3.
Still equivalent number of unique pixels. 1080P enough for me.
It still looks like you are looking through a mosquito-gutter. But in the finished version it will be a very fine gutter with very thin borders.
I would love to play on a 23 foot monitor as well! ;)
I wouldn't. The pixel density would be awful.
Screensize doesn't say anything about resolution, or distance from.
From what I've understood is that while looking though the rift ,your focus is set to infinity. Meaning your eyes are in a natural resting position. The resolution is still pretty mediocre though.
I thought they increase the resolution to 1080p, not bad
They have a prototype for 1080p, but Palmer has suggested that they plan to go past that for the consumer version.
I think the screens are each 800x600. I read that somewhere, sometime. If someone finds confirmation, go for it.
While the devkits currently have a low resolution, they aim for the consumer version to be in at least 1080p
I can't wait to try one for myself. Even with the low res model, I can imagine it'd be a lot of fun to play with. Will definitely buy one if it's 1080p (and commonly implemented in games, etc.)
Yeah, I'm definitely getting one when it's released properly.
You actually only get 960x1080 since 1080p is the whole screen, you only get 960x1080 in each eye and it doesn't combine to 1080p since the images overlap.
It's a single physical screen - 1280×800, so 640x800 per eye.
The 1080p version already exists
I've tried out a homemade version of the Rift where the guy basically just used the blueprints and built his own and it was pretty nice. The only problem I had was that the distance from my pupils wasn't the set distance so it made things look out of focus and kinda cross eyed. His had an FOV of around 70 I believe compared to the Oculus's 90 (It's supposed to be 180 but right now it's at 90) so there was a little bit of black in your peripheral but it wasn't too noticeable. You could only wear it for about 30-1 hour before you started to feel really sick and dizzy. So yeah the focusing wasn't really a problem just the nausea and pupil distance problem (which will be customizable in the Rift I believe)
Well I have tunnel vision at about 65 degrees so it wouldn't matter.
Aw shucks man, that must really suck.
I own a Rift and used it heaps (hours per day), my eyes haven't had any issues with any focus strain or any eye strain at all. The only issue I've had, which people have already mentioned below, is the resolution. You just get sick of everything being low-res for a while and go play games on your normal monitor for a refreshment, before going back to the Rift again.
Why are you using speakers with the rift? Isn't the audio supposed to follow your head movements similarly to the video?
If you were playing a 3d game with the rift it'd make sense to use headphones. Doesn't matter much if you're just replicating the desktop.
Next you put on some kind of Bane mask that pumps smells and tastes into you. Put 6 or more fans linked together as well. Use that vest that simulates hits against your chest, but instead a full body suit like one pilots wear. Put on gloves that simulate touch and accelerometers on each kunckle.
Might need a better keyboard though.
He stole it from the office. The Oculus Rift really broke his bank.
I use this keyboard for gaming... ;_;
Me too, it's so minimal around the edges I love it.
Man, if only they were 20$ less.
But that one is 80 bucks. + more for extra blank keycaps and shipping.
They don't last long and feel like shit to type on
Mechanical keyboards are a dream to type on.
Oh god, my school uses those keyboards. So damn mushy...
Oh so jealous. What do you have it connected to? First impressions?
It's connected to my computer. The resolution is better than I expected (I expected mario resolution.) In games you don't notice the screen door unless you focus your eyes on it. There are tons of Rift demos, lots of games like Quake, TF2 and War Thunder and more always coming out all the time. Pretty much zero latency which is something no one talks about because there isn't any - you move your head and the world moves instantly with it. Tons of YouTube videos made to be viewed in the Rift. Totally worth the $300 and I'll definitely be buying the next version.
I want to buy one but I'm not sure how the quality is, or if I should wait for the non dev version to be released.
Wait for a higher resolution version
It's phenomenal as is, truly as good as you can imagine. The resolution was definitely the biggest con, and the motion sickness (for me) limited my use to about an hour of HL2. I'm definitely getting the next higher res version, and a bunch of ginger pills to combat motion sickness.
Try a few beers then tell me how the rift is :)
Yes. I tried the current one and it's VERY pixelated in the center.
In a few years I'm sure there will be a 4k version...
I just ordered mine, for the September shipment. I'm sure the resolution will be disappointing, but the novelty will probably be impressive none the less. I am very excited to use it for the one or two games that actually support it well.
What about for general purpose apps? Are you a very accurate touch typer?
Works fine for me, I don't change my keyboard layout though so you might have more problems.
There could be a virtual keyboard of sorts, where you could have a webcam pointed at your keyboard and the rift would integrate that video feed into the 3d space.
I'll definately have to make some "Thompson Eye-Phone" labels when I get one.
Oh god how good must porn be with a Rift...
It is going to be a lot more risky though. You will lose invaluable seconds of cover up time.
Well you couldn't cover up your junk but they can't see the screen
Theres already a few tech demos.
They are working on it.
Are they gonig to add any audio setup to the occulist rift? Any Surround sound headphones or something like that? I imagine if they want it to be such a life-like experience they would include audio.
You can wear headphones over the Rift.
It'd be cool if the consumer rift has a headphone jack built into it. It already connects to hdmi at the base station.
I would think you would want to put on headphones instead for the full 3D immersive experience..wouldn't having stationary sound mess that up?
The desktop is still flat in the rift - maybe for games headphones would be better.
This is really awesome, but I can't help but think of a weird interrogation table when I look at it...
Virtual Desktops would also be awesome. You can view some sort of virtual n-tuple connected monitors.
Oh man, if there was a way to capture the room so that in the oculus it just looked like a floating ring of screen, that would be sooooo cool!
Can you use this outside of gaming? does it function for movies and regular desktop shenanigans?
Regular desktop works with deskope. There are players for the rift that can play 3d movies - personally I never liked 3d tv or movies in the theater, but on the rift they look perfect. Mouse and keyboard still work fine for me, just now the monitor is bigger.
Can you play games like Fallout 3 using deskope?
Now all you need is a Leap Motion!
What about the computer itself? What are the specs on it?
But you need to debug your rift.
So a question I thought of when noticing the speakers - how does the Rift handle surround sound direction? I guess it would work as long as the orientation is fixed to your body rather than your head, can anyone comment on this?
How does rift handle it? It doesn't.
Event Horizon?! Ugh childhood nightmares.
Ps 451 anyone?
I just looked up Oculus Rift on YouTube. I am so jealous right now!
But i also don't want use a keyboard and a mouse
Love that keyboard. Amazing thing
Have an bookmark for the Event Horizon reference!
While I appreciate Event Horizon, I'm guessing it was a Back to the Future reference.
I think its wrong that you got downvoted for this, i thought event horizon initially as well. To each his own though...
Yea I think you're thinking of, 'Where we're going, we won't need eyes to see.' Good movie.
We can use the occulus rift for 2d stuff like the desktop?
Dude, dust off your fucking desk.
He can't see the dust. He's in the Rift now.
I don think that is dust, looks more like the paint is wearing off and the wood is showing through in spots
Yep. It's a cheap particleboard desk and the top is nothing more than a paper-thin "veneer".
I'm thinking of using a black marker to fill in the spots. You know, class it up.
What happens to the monitor, does it become an asshole?

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