Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


In my opinion great setup, love the Macbook and iPad combo.
Clean but very very weak :/
A singel laptop as station = weak
A SINGLE laptop station is not weak, lol. A gaming setup is not always a gaming machine, its a place where you relax, a place where you get away from the world, a digital zen garden. You can game at this place, you can browse, you can , listen to music, make music. Also it can be your work, the command center. my friend has a laptop with 2 780m's, core i7, 32 gb ram, and it often beats my desktop with a gtx 670 and core i7 3770. I also own a retina macbook, and i game on it, i play league and other games while im on the go. It just goes to show the knowledge of some people....ALL THESE DOWNVOTES MOST LIKLEY DUE TO IT BEING A MAC, LOL PEOPLE ARE FUNNY, THEY HAVE SOME SORT OF HATRED TOWARDS MAC, IT IS TECHNOLOGY, I LOVE IT, BRAND DOES NOT MATTER TO ME, I OWN BOTH, AND I JUST LIKE GOOD PRODUCT...
A singel laptop is a very weak station.

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