Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


Where'd you get so much money from? Your parents? Edit: legit question, not tryna be rude
Come on man, why do you have to hate? Who cares where he got the stuff, it's a sweet gaming setup, which is what we're here for anyway.
I'm not hating dude, I'm actually interested.
Nice. I'll probably get a new one for next year and get it framed.
Nice. How do you like Penn? I'm applying myself.
Penn is great! University Park all the way. If you can't get in, go to a branch campus, it's well worth the wait. I'm a freshman now. Don't listen to what anyone tells you, don't live in East, it's a mess and a cluster fuck. Don't live in North because it's really quiet and depressing. Pollock is ok, but the rooms are kinda small. South is great, but the dining commons is chock full of fattening foods and South halls are really far from everything. I'm in West halls now. It's probably the best. The halls are setup like a traditional college setting around a quad and the rooms are really big. What you saw above, is barely half of the room. The food is better than most halls, but of less quality than South. Go with West without a doubt.
This is very good advice! Agree on every point :)
Got to love your uni paying for the electricity of the mining rig! ;)
Nice gaming setup OP! What is the dock you're using for your phone?
What is lightcoin and why does it need three 7950s to run it?
Bitcoin Mining, LightCoin is just an alternate cryptocurrency.
So how is the Leapmotion controller? Was it worth the $80 or so for it. I was looking into getting one, but the apps for it were few in numbers.
I approve of your choice of bedding and of your choice to make your bed. Your dormroom doesn't look at all shitty.
Hey what dorms you in? I was in North last year. How are you liking it here? Your set up is pretty similar to mine from last year, other than the mining set up, haha :)
Insane! That thing must bake eggs during the summer
After checking out your awesome setup, I couldn't help but notice that your desk and chair looked very familiar... Then I read the title. Class of 2012 checking in... Go Lions!
What stand are you using for those Asus monitors? I have the same monitors and this really interests me!
Holy shit. What is the model of that 256-bit encryption external HDD case?
Laugh now...but I made a shit ton of money.
A few thousand off a small 500 dollar investment.
Did you sell or just calculated based on current price?

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