Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


Love the deadmau5 print where did you get it?
Yes I'd like to know this as well. Very pretty and I like how it takes up a lot of wall space.
Just from eBay. £14/$20. Search deadmau5 wall
What's the brand of that light strip you're using. It seems like it's working quite well.
Just a cheap set from eBay, using my own PSU. £8/$13
What kind of speakers are though. Also I love your setup!
Sony SS-CSD1. He has them labeled in the pics.
I absolutely love them, although they are a bit large for the desk. I didn't but them directly though, not sure if they're still worth so much. Also, they're driven by a Denon PMA-250 II.
How did you do the lights? I keep seeing tons of rigs and I have no idea how to put LED lights in or behind them. How are they powered? Controlled etc?
Set from eBay, powered from a 12v 2A power Brick and controlled through an rgb controller with a little remote.
One does not simply finish a gaming setup...
For the life of me I can't remember why I posted that..
Yep, that's it. To be honest, I can't fault it! I'm using an E27 LED in it and it gives a nice amount of light. (All of my lighting is led)
Love it, what kind of desklamp is that? I'm looking for that kind of desklamp and that one looks perfect.

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