Right Monitor - Computer Setup


I would love having walls like that behind my setup, it must really help set the mood when playing games!
In one of his previous posts he said that it's just wallpaper.
Where can u buy dat sweet wallpaper
Not sure if serious, but Home Depot and most likely any large hardware store carry it.
If you're really looking to duplicate it, you can buy sheets of faux stone in that exact design and cover the walls with it. Home Depot sells those too, usually in the tile and backsplash section.
Look at the 5th picture, it's clearly a wallpaper.
Thats a hot-ass setup. Do you have more detail of the desk building process? My current desk was a cobbled together temporary build, I'd like to make a better one and yours looks good.
How did you make the legs?
I figured metal legs would be better than wooden legs, and since I don't have a forge at home I decided to order them online.
If you didn't dig the iron ore out of the ground yourself, why even bother?
Where'd you get the legs then?
I love MDF. My current workbench is a big slab of MDF with 4x4 legs and 2x4 crosspieces.
What kind of backlighting is that?
This setup is great. The gray brick and black devices/desk give it a very modern and classy look. Great job.
I just wanna say I really like those stone walls. Looks great! Also great set up :)
I got excited thinking those walls were legit slat stone. I was pretty disappointed to find out it's wallpaper. Seems tacky. Like something I'd put in my 4 year old nephew's pirates and castles lego themed playroom.
Hah, you should've seen the alternatives the wallpaper store I went to had. This was by far the best looking. I really like it alot too, just a matter of taste I guess.
I think it looks great - I'm not sure what the other guy was expecting. Are you supposed to get real stone put in an apartment/rental/condo ?
Camera messing with the lighting. Monitors are fine, haha.
Oh good, I just couldn't get over the different color casts and contrasts, it completely put me off a multi-monitor setup for a second.
Sometimes (especially in cheaper monitors) there can be a difference in colors and contrasts. Usually it can be fixed by some minor tweaking to look acceptable, but it might be something to consider. Especially if you have a low budget, you might be better off just buying a single, more expensive monitor with a higher resolution and/or refreshrate.
Oh sure, I'm all about avoiding the TN panels, I was more worried on your behalf/on my own, if it was to be expected on all monitors.
Wow, have been looking for awhile, and planning to build my own in about a month when I move into my new place. This is my favorite so far- can I pick your brain for details?
Thanks for the compliments! Glad you like it.
Great info, thanks for the reply!
Which mic boom do you have and how do you like it? Thanks!
DAP Audio Microphone Broadcasting Stand, it does its job but I'd have liked some more room for cable management.
May I ask what you use the mic for?
Skype and a video every now and then. Not the best use for a mic, but the sound quality from my headset mic was just terrible.
Came here to ask this same thing haha, thanks.
What are you using for the mood-lighting?
Wow this is by far one of the most stylish set ups iv seen. Congrats on achieving such a modern look!
How do you connect your monitors? is it better to do it via HDMI or DVI?
Generally, DVI is the better option, but my GPU has 2 DVI ports and 1 HDMI port. The middle and right monitor are connected with DVI, the left one with HDMI. Once I get another GTX 780 I will connect the left monitor with a DVI cable aswell.
Really? I assumed since they both process digital signal they would be similar.
I'm no expert, but I heard on several occasions DVI is superior, although I've been unable to find a significant difference.
Yeah I've never noticed a difference, interesting though.
They are the same picture quality. HDMI can run audio, while DVI-D can run resolutions higher than 1920x1080
Never seen walls like that in a bedroom. Looks cool but at the same time don't you ever get the feeling of being in a dungeon or something lol? Playing Skyrim tho, I can see the background making the experience very immersive.
No, the lighting in my room (the camera on my phone didn't capture it very well) makes it actually feel really warm and nice. And when the lights are off, well, that's only when playing videogames and then I'm really going for that extra immersion.
Is this wallpaper, really wanna do my room, in the UK, if you could find a seller i'd be appreciative.
Hmm i really like the darker tiles, i'l keep looking, only downside is my carpet is brown.
I want that wallpaper.
Is that wallpaper or genuine stone/rock/whateveritlooksawesome
Wallpaper, look at the corner of the room in image 2 and see how the joints don't line up.
Very cool! how could i also have something similar on a wall in my room?
Lower your desk slightly. Monitors should be slightly below your eye level for proper ergonomics.
I know, I'm tall (196cm, or 6 foot 5 inches). This way they're perfect, while the keyboard and mouse are still comfortably low.
What did you use to paint the wood?
What's your opinion so far on Rolling Chairs on Carpet?
I've been using rolling chairs on carpet for a long time. It's fine. Of course it's a little more work to move them around but, a plastic mat is often unsightly and a bit annoying (I'm using one now) I think I prefer the carpet, just for aesthetics.
The desk looks amazing. I highly suggest monitor arms, though. It cleans up the look a lot and gets the stands out of the way.
The only thing I would suggest is a triple monitor mount, I think it would clean it up a little bit more. Other than that it is a slick setup! Thanks for sharing!
Looks like you have such good lighting to game. I hate my set up right now. It's far to bright! Stupid sunlight.
Did anyone ask what type of monitors those are? if not i'm a asking.
So jealous. Looks amazing! What does something like that set you back?
The PC about 1200. The monitors 150 euros each. The desk was only 100 euros (for the wood and the paint). If you can get better deals, I bet you could get something like this for 1500.
What graphics setting and fps do you get on crysis 3 at 5670*1080?
Max settings and 2x MSAA I get around 30-40FPS. I slightly lowered my settings, though, because I really like 60FPS. Still have 2x MSAA and high settings. The 780 is a beast (I'll be lolling at this in 10 years), but for multi-monitor, you're probably better off getting a card with a larger amount of VRAM.
That wall, is that masonry or 3d wall panels?
My goodness... your wall is a brick facade. You win.
How is the mic?
Did you consider doing a tri-level desk to raise your monitors to gain more actual 'desk' space?
Nice, how well does your rig run Crysis? What're the specs, if you don't mind my asking?
When and where did you buy the keyboard? I can only find it right now in Singapore.
I live in a house with lots of other people and the walls are thin as paper. It's why I bought a headset instead.
Sigh. Read the title.
I too, have been to Ikea.

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