Three Monitors - Computer Setup


Dude this looks like a comfortable ass pad.
I need a comfortable ass pad for my computer chair.
That is a pretty awesome set up, I'm honestly jealous of that
Any reason why the xbox monitor is the main one? Nice setup other than that though!
Maybe im missing something ... but i do this with every monitor, why can OP only use the middle one?
Gaming setup powered by Ikea!
Did you cover the LEDs with something to give it a blurred look or is it just the regular flexible strip?
That shelf looks a little emp-tea
We have the same case. :D
What type of case is that? Is it ThermalTake? Looks kind of like my Chaser MK-I but I dont think it's the same one.
Excellent. The lighting inspires me.
All looks amazing. You put a lot of work into that. Sucks you are moving. Hopefully into a nicer place so you can improve on this sweet set up. Good luck with the move! And repost when you get moved in. Perhaps take pictures of you setting things up so we can see the process too.
Love the setup, the ground effects are neat. On the wall, is that pixel art from a laser printer or bead art from melted beads that you framed? I'm pretty sure it's beads which makes it really cool but I want to be sure.
May I ask where you got the painting above your bed?
Where can I get that bed comforter?
What make of keyboard is that?
Love the lighting. I put similar in my living room around the TV/etc. I see no reason not to expand that into the bedroom as well, after seeing how well it turned out for you.
Love the green tea Arizona cans man
The room alone looks amazing.
Yes. This is exactly how you gaming setup.
Nice! What CPU cooler do you use and how OC'd can you get? I can get 4.4ghz with that CPU
I got the same case! woot!
Dang. That is a nice computer. One day I will have enough money for something like that.
Chicagoan or just like the Sears Tower (no, not Willis Tower)? Can't tell what the other building is.
It looks like he's got The Shard and something that I can't tell what it is either.
How are the Corsair Vengeance K90's doing you? Even though they are discontinued, I'm planning on getting a K95 (which are pretty similar) and I want to know how they are.
Sweet setup, def jealous over here :(
Fucking Spectacular! Although I think the chances would be high of me mortally wounding myself with those bed speakers.
Holy shit, dude. You win.
Colors are kinda all out of whack and bother me, I'm much bigger fan of minimilism. too much LED. kill the empty bottles and arizona iced teas.
Background link? c'mon, you knew someone would ask.
Does anyone know what that poster is with the girl with the finger? I see it a lot in gaming setups!
This is unreal. Well done OP, i'm seriously jealous.
I'm so pleased to see someone else that loves Arizona Green Tea as much as I do! It's at a point where it's like 3 or 4 a day, and has been for years now.. ._.
I have the same ikea table for my workstation (or at least they look the same)
I've seen a lot of people complain about other people have Led lights everywhere, your room is an exception though, it looks fantastic, especially around the bed. I'm looking forward to future updates!! :)
Goodness. This is an example of an excellent Masturbatorium. Indeed, it has all the quintessientials of being regarded as "tight."
Tacky LED's everywhere = Check.
The lighting, what is it? and where did ya get it from? i want to do that!!
Do you sleep with those lights on? just wondering
I used to, but like everything, it's only cool for a while and I turn them off now.
Nice! ill pick one up!
What lights did you buy? I've been looking for a good set of lights
Girls are going to love that!
Get any ass in this place?
I hate blue LEDs, if they were a different color then your setup would be sweet
Look at the last pic
The fact that you dont have a wallpaper that stretches across all three monitors bugs me (that and the fact that you have three different monitors hah but im sure thats more of a practicality thing than taste)

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