Two Monitors - Computer Setup


I haven't seen an all plexi glass case since the early 2000's
Needs more fancovers with edgy thing cut into them. Like the radioactive symbol, flames, or a dragon. He has to make sure the cathodes pulse with music too.
In my mind I like to think it would be a cool idea to make something like that... but then I think of how dusty my PC is due to my general laziness in cleaning it... I can only think that the visible dust bunnies ensure that these only ever come in waves. (all that said, I am sad to see it is discontinued... so I guess my plan to mount my pc into a picture frame shall continue to be my next project)
I like having a window in my case, because I'm inspired to keep it neat and clean by having to look at it, which is good for the computer.
I have a window too... That said, I just went through a move, death in the family, and new baby, so perhaps I will be more vigilant once things calm down... I mean it could happen...
I miss them. They were neat.
LED is coming back, not to cases but under desks!
And then, plexi glass desks
I don't, they were a bitch and a half to work with. You basically had to take the whole thing apart to replace any internal components of your machine.
With enough neon to give me a migraine! Especially with the placement, right out of the corner of my eye.
I've seen a lot of plexi glass cases and always thought they looked awful. However, considering this build is plexi glass, this guy definitely got it right in my opinion. I especially love the choice of lighting. It really looks awesome.
It's just so hard to hide wiring in full plexiglass cases, they tend to look messy.
Right. In OP's case, it looks like the cable management is pretty tidy. Also, where he's got the computer positioned is working out for him too. At least you can't see it from the right side. But any other scenario doesn't work very well.
Probably because they look like someone did acid, threw up, and drew what they saw.
Last time I did acid my puke left too fast for me to draw it.
No. You did well...Superman does good
Wow, that was embarrassing for you.
And on National Grammar Day... what is the world coming to?
To what is the world coming?
You need to learn your grammar son.
Damnit, beat me to it
This your first computer build? Everyones first computer build is covered in LED lights and their second has zero, I am one of those people.
I wouldn't really call it my first build because I reused the case. I did use this case and had those lights in it for the first build, just kept them for this one though. I upgraded just over a year ago.
First build: Gotta make sure all the colors match!
Reminds me of the "Blood in the Water" SSG08 skin from CS:GO
Yeah, you're right it kinda does. That's a nice skin too.
It really is. I wish there were more like it.
Multiple monitors - check
lit keyboard - check
nice headphones - check
comfortable looking chair - check
LEDs all over - check
Thanks, yep... that's a printer. Canon MG6120. Best Inject I've ever had. Cheap ink, duplex printing, internal paper tray, scanner, networked, etc...
I feel like I'm expected to give in to the laserjet circlejerk - maybe in the form of a meme - but I'd rather just say that I'm happy you have a printer that makes you happy.
It is as if you put 2008 in a box
As someone with a 3rd monitor who toggles the tv as a 4th monitor, and the 3rd monitor with a second PC, I'm curious if you feel a 5th monitor could make you even more productive haha? (basically wondering if it is ever enough ;-) )
I'll probably get a 5th to go above the center one day, but I can't say how much that will help. Might make it a tv instead of a normal monitor. I also use 2 computers so I normally only have 2 monitors per computer which I find way more useful than having 4 monitor on 1 computer.
I have three monitors(middle one is a tv for my xbox)....anything web based(aside from reading) goes on the left monitor as that one has the shittier resolution. games go on the right main monitor and so does reading stuffs.
I'm curious as to why you find two computers on two monitors each more productive each. I would find it easier and more productive to have all the monitors on one computer, but maybe that's just me.
One of the main reasons is windows snapping. It just doesn't work right even with Display Fusion Installed. I also use my 2nd computer as much as my good one. More recently since I get home so late that I normally don't even have time to do anything so I don't turn it on. Dual monitors is also the more ideal setup. I had it set up with 3 for a while and never really used the right monitor that much. One use would be having a separate mouse and keyboard to look up stuff while in games with the other computer, helps a lot.
We have the same CPU cooler. Neat.
I'm old. The lighting is totally unneccesary to me. I appreciate a big honkin case, but also, an unassuming one.
Holy rice Batman. You're the king of rice. Take one of these complimentary rice fields.
I thought something was only rice if it was gaudy but also nonfunctional. That thing has a 3820 and a 770.
A ricer car is functional though. It moves people from a to b. Terrible comparison
It moves people from a to b in a slower, less powerful, or less luxurious manner. OP has the specs and the looks. It's not difficult to understand.
Ricer cars pretend to be fast rather than being fast. Giant wings on the back of a front wheel drive commuter car, for example.
Tons of LED lights usually can refer to rice. At least with all the years I had originally spent on /g/. The lighting is a bit much and the case is completely see through. Ricer can also refer to buying WAAYYY over priced prices just 'cause. Or building a $3000 machine just to go on Facebook and Youtube. Like, I can imagine the specs are nice but, eh, it's a bit much for me.
Trust me, I use my computer for a lot more than a Glorious Facebook and Youtube machine, even though Youtube is part of how I could afford all of these parts. I edit a decent amount and when I'm not, Battlefield 4 at 6040x1080p is awesome as well as some video encoding occasionally.
Haha, I wasn't insunuating that that's what you use it for but that it was a common possibility. Anyway, no kidding, eh? That's wicked dude! Coincidentally enough, some guy did a YouTube content creator AMA today and said he was making like $6000 a month or something like that. If you're making that sort of money per month, I say, God bless. Buy whatever you like, haha. Thankfully it's on a nice machine and not on cars or something stupid.
I knew you weren't, but just wanted to make it clear. :) I really wish I was making that kind of money... Not making nearly as much any more. School is getting in my way. :(
Shit sucks dude. School usually does get in the way of stuff like that. Speaking of that AMA though, he said he basically dropped out of school to make it his career and technically it's working out quite well for him so far, haha. I figure if you're making upwards of at least $2500 a month, I'm sure you could live comfortably though. I know I could with $1500 a month.
I guess that depends on your situation. And if your school path leads you to a career more than that, I suppose that's cool too ~
If I started making that much, I wouldn't drop out of school, but probably lower my hours on my current job or quit and take it slow to getting my degree. About to graduate in a couple months so I shouldn't have to worry about that anyway.
Oh, well if you're about to graduate then just finish it, yeah. There's really no point not to at that point, haha. Get shit done man! I believe in you.
I haven't seen many cases like this and I have to admit that I'm not a fan. There's different reasons for this. I do think you pulled it off and it looks very good!
You hide the cables at the back, like any other build. And let's be honest here, most people these days buy a modular PSU, at least the majority who want to show it off, anyway.
I personally like them better... I'm sure others agree.
Everyone likes them better, but some people don't have that extra $40 to put towards the PSU.
I agree. My friend had a plexi glass case for the longest time and the only thing that ever caught my attention was the godzilla-sized dustbunnies sitting on the bottom of the case. Also, the overexposure of the computer's internal components can have more of a gaudy effect. I guess I'm just more a fan of simplicity on the outside. But I do have to say that OP's build is pretty badass. I think he really got it right.
Does that case play dubstep when you turn it on?
I wish, that would be pretty epic if it did. Like a short 2 or 3 seconds when you press the power button.
Looks good, I hope you have an LED controller!
How do you get any sleep in your room? Assuming of course your PC is in your bedroom.
I always turn off my good computer. Also normally keep the lights off as well.
Where did you get that case?
Love the Nzxt cases. A lot of the guys at work have the Phantom case.
They are quite nice. I have more hard drive bays than I know what to do with and the cable management is great! I just wish I had gotten one of the models with an acrylic side panel.
Looks cool now, but I think it won't be long before the light makes you go crazy.
The monitor setup and actual computer performance looks great, but..I just don't understand how anybody would actually want all of those lights in their field of vision, and how computer guts are supposed to be aesthetically pleasing.
I don't have the lights on all the time. Occasionally when I'm listening to music I have sound receivers hooked to the lights and they can flash to the music. 90% of the time the lights are off.
That is a much more agreeable situation. I would go insane having those lights on all the time. Plus you can host raves with that thing!
Havent seen clear cover WD Raptors in a long time! Ive always wanted them.
It's a bit too much but it looks ok and probably does everything you want.
Most of the gallery is dead on this end.
The only reason I never got an acrylic case is that it is a dust magnet. It looks awesome though, very rare now-days to see those.
But the fans in the side panel... Why is the lower one exhaust and the top one intake? Wouldn't it make more sense to swap them around considering hot air flows upwards?
I probably should switch the top fan, but the bottom fan is right since it sucks all of the heat away from my gpu.
Oh yeah I didn't think of the GPU... In that case I'd just leave it as it is, because if you switch the top fan around you'll have one intake fan and three exhaust fans, which creates negative air pressure and basically makes your machine a dust magnet.
I'm surprised you put the stickers on that. I wonder why...
I put them on there years ago before I really cared a lot about looks. Next case I'll either not put them on there or hide them some where.
I like your idea of still using them but subtly maybe in the back or something
Is your YouTube channel mechrocktech because in that case i'm subscribed to you!
Yes, yes it is. Thanks for subbing!
That has got to be the ugliest computer I've ever seen.
I mean, I can't disagree with you. It's not meant to be "pretty", but more so just look cool. I wanted to replace it with the In-Win D-Frame, but I missed it.
I think it looks pretty cool man. I'm a sucker for neon lights and being able to see the components, I love it!
On the contrary, I think it looks pretty dang awesome. I've always thought plexi glass cases are tacky for some reason I can't really pinpoint. But in this case (heh), I think you really did a great job. Especially with the lighting. It really gives it an awesome presence.
I really like it. Might see if I have enough lexan to make my own.
You're a good sport, man :)
Funny, I was just thinking it looked amazing.
Looks good. I think we have the same headphones. Do yours have issues with connectivity or random buzzing noises impractically?
Awesome build, smart move on the modular PSU. When I built my first computer I used a blue acrylic case but only a semi modular PSU, it was a mess, looked cool though.
Not my cup of tea, but if you're happy with it that's what matters.
K I'm just a lurker on this sub, but I need to ask, how much does a rig like this cost?
At the bottom of this thread I have links that show how much I paid for each individual part. You can get a tower as fast as mine for $1200ish. For gaming that is. I do editing on mine is why I have an i7.
SeaSonic PSU says yes. Stickers on your case says no.
Is this your first build? Only reason I ask is because usually first time builders plaster their case and fans with LED lights.
I wouldn't really call it my first build because I reused the case. I did use this case and had those lights in it for the first build, just kept them for this one though. I upgraded just over a year ago.
It looks like there is a night club inside that computer with all those lights!
Ya done good, kid. Ya done real good.
Do you keep those lights on when you play? It seems like they could be distracting or put an odd glare on the monitors. I think it definitely looks cool though
Stop making me feel bad about my self. This is amazing
Wow I usually hate plexiglass cases, it's hard to make them look clean and not tacky, but honestly, your gaming setup looks clean and awesome, you did a great job.
Logitech z580s, such great little speakers :D I got mine for under $200 because the previous 4.1 pair kicked the bucket while under warranty. still my main speakers to this day
Careful, those cathodes will burn your eyes right out.
It's a direct fusion of awesome and tacky. Sort of like successful ricing, I suppose. I think I like the photography better than the comp itself.
I fucking love it. Don't listen to the naysayers, do what makes you happy!
I'm always interested in what people use their monitors for. Do you have specific jobs for each or just multi-screen games?
Email on the far right. Usually Facebook, coolcomputersetups, etc on 2nd from right. Far left host steam or monitoring apps and center is for gaming slash what ever.
The case is absolutely sick! What kind of gpu are you running?
Wow, 10/10 that was excellent, but... specs?
Good lord. That's like a star in a box.
Not really sure, my mom got it at a flea market for $25, haha Serves its purpose though.
Not bad, but the LEDs are overkill if you ask me.
Wow, I have never seen that many LED's used in case and it look good. I love the case and LED combo, mind linking?
As someone who doesn't do much PC gaming, could you explain why you have 4 monitors? Is it all for peripheral vision while you play or do they serve another function? Looks cool anyway.
I recently started playing on triple screens and the extra field of view is awesome! The more immersion the better. They are also really nice when doing a school project or multitasking with stuff. 2 is normal for most people. You fall into the law of diminishing returns when you go past that, but it helps I have a 2nd computer to run 2 of the monitors when I'm not playing a game.
I have the same case and it's so sick.
Many a lady have been slain in this room...jk brother beautiful set up
Ya good luck with that case. I had one in High School. Dont move it around alot. The plexi glass starts to crack at all the screws over time. Specially with movement. other than that. Looks good man.
I haven't had that happen yet, but I baby it when I have to move it around, no one but me touches it. I hope to replace the case next year sometime. 5 years seems like a decent amount of time to have a case.
Just buy a Fractal Design Define and keep the same tower forever.
I actually really enjoy LEDS, but even for me that is bright as shit. Otherwise, you did a great job making a plexiglass case look really cool.
You did very well, and it looks glorious. Though I am curious about the airflow. Exhaust fan for GPU? Isn't it supposed to be the opposite to help cool the GPU....?
Since my gpu blows the heat back into the case, having the fan blow it would just circulate the air around vs. sucking it out. I also tested both and sucking it out ended up working better. Doesn't really matter though since my card full load stays below 70c all the time. Normally 66c.
Those clear cover HDD's are pretty epic
Are those LED fans? Cuz I don't think you have enough meltdown going on
Of course not. This is coolcomputersetups!
Nice, I was going to get some UV lights for mine, but felt like it wouldn't had matched very well.
It's is great but please tell me you turn the case LED's off when going to bed. I wouldn't be able to fall asleep with all that light.
I do, It would be like the sun never sets with them on, haha
Standing ovation mechrock. That is killer. Well done!
Do you have one switch that can turn off all those LEDs? I hope so, that thing is brighter than the sun. But very cool.
Yeah, the switches and knobs above the Blu-Ray drive control the lights.
Max of 70c on prime95 for cpu. Gpu, has max of 70c as well. Normally only 60c and 66c respectively when playing game.
Ever thought about water cooling?
I have, I really wanted to do a custom loop, but for the performance gain I couldn't justify the cost. It would had cost me around $400 to get the loop I wanted and that would just be cpu cooling....
Owch just keep the fans then lol
It's refreshing to see an acrylic case again.
That is fucking sick. I might make one similar to that now
Aside from acrylic cases being terrible for your PC, sure, you did good.
I think its a sick set up. But it reminds me of this ...
Being a 90s kid, stuff like that always fascinated me. Being able to see what was in my computer made me really satisfied.
So as soon as I start building a new computer I'm determined to use that case.
Yeah, I say that but in reality I probably won't even go totally custom. Usually I get hand me down computers and upgrade them a bit. I got a brand new computer with a Core 2 Duo in it that I've upgraded almost everything but the CPU in. I might get a new one eventually, meh, Idk.
Yes you did very well!
Yes, you did WELL. It's like the sun but pocket sized (for giants).
Yes, Yes you did do good. Me likey.
My next build will be of transparent casing, hopefully.
Thanks for the inspiration...
Do the lights on the case not become distracting when playing the game?
Normally don't have then on, otherwise they probably would start to hurt my eyes, haha
I tried to change it afterwards, but apparently I can't find where... :/ "Edit image titles or descriptions" only lets me change image titles.
Too much for my taste, Mate. But good specs.
I believe the term you're looking for is "goodly." And yes OP you did goodly
No. Fuck that hideous case, literally ruins everything else.
That is one big ass night light
I'm from the 80s, and that case is fuckin cool!
You done good son, you done good

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