Your Monitors - Computer Setup


About the 3 monitors.... what do you do on it that doesn't get butchered? I can only think of word documents.
I play plenty of games that look just fine.
I guess it;s just me. I wouldn't be able to play with 2 thick black lines running down whatever I'm looking at.
You clearly have no fucking idea how peripheral vision works.
Nice, but your chair(s) suck ass!
I live in a furnished apartment.
Which doesn't prevent you from making a solid and worth while investment in a quality office chair.
Meh it came with this and ill only be here a bit longer until I get back home where I have one.
Get a yoga ball. It does amazing things for your posture and balance. I've been using one for about a year and a half at work and I couldn't go back to even the best office chair. Best $20 investment ever.
I wish I could get a monitor that'd portrait, or at least have VESA. :[
Have you ever thought about debezelling your monitors (VG248QE I believe they are?) There's a lot of guides on how to do it (and particularly the ASUS models). The bezels are small already on the VG248QE's, but a few half-a-centimeters adds up for 3 monitors. Also, you mind sharing where you got that Skyrim Wallpaper?
Nice setup! Where did you get the Master Sword and Shield?

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