(like Monitors - Computer Setup


Eve online starter pack and 3-5 more monitors. Have fun.
What do the starter packs consist of? I've seen them mentioned before, but never see them explained.
Month of game time on top of the 14 day trial(or 21 if you get in with a buddy invite), and some extra gifts like an item that you use to speed up your skill training for the first month and a special edition industrial ship(recommend selling it).
A ship, some equipment and skills. I only played Eve for a month, and decided that it was not the game form me.
Came here to recommend EVE Online. Coolcomputersetups confirms, yet again, I have no original thoughts of my own. :(
Some lotion to go with that kleenex
Is that a circumcised thing? Otherwise I don't understand why anyone would use lotion for masticating.
I too prefer not to use lotion for chewing
Yeah i dunno i don't need lotion to eat
From what I heard yes it is.
I think its a dick size thing or a skin thing. If you've got enough room to give your dick a good grip and go up and down with enough skin to protect your head from the roughness of your hand then I think its fine. I am circumsized and lotion gets in my way of masturbating, but I am also a little larger than most men.(not trying to brag but attempting to bring some knowledge here)
This is supposed to be about a dude's computer...
Yes, I know this, which is why it escalated quickly. This is Coolcomputersetups, what do you expect?
Same here. I always understood the joke but never knew people actually used lotion while jerking off.
Lotion is only needed for placing your dick between solid objects (like monitors or computer cases) otherwise you may even hurt it while rubbing forward and backward. You also can use hair gel as good replacement for a lotion. If you don't have either, a spit may be used as well, but, note, that you'll need quite a lot of it, so to make it release in a much larger amount in your mouth, chew some gum, collect the spit in a glass and when there's enough amount of it, rub all over your penis.
I don't get this. Doesn't anyone use tissue to blow their nose? I thought it was pretty common to have boxes of it around. It's not like a bulk pack of condoms.
More importantly, are your loads that small that a tissue suffices? I use a paper towel personally.
Came here to just say that. lol
A computer to run them
3 computers to run them.
I have to say I actually agree with this. Maybe 3 is overkill, but maybe it is just pure awsome. I mean you COULD just vmware... but I have 2 pcs and one little mac hoocked up, and the ps3 can run to one of the monitors as well. Having options is just flat out fantastic. The bonus is I can run the PS2 to one of the monitors and do picture in picture via an rca to vga converter. I think I may hook up the old supernes rather than using emulators. Sometimes you just want to play it on the old controllers and hardware.
Ya I know... but there is just something special about putting a game in and click the on switch. Especially for cartridge based games. Actually oddly enough I feel the same way about he gamecube with its small disks, but don't have the same affinity for any CD/DVD/BluRay based systems... that is odd... Could be a sign I am getting older...
Nah I feel the exact same way and I'm only 19 years old. I have my original NES and N64 and I love to play on the old school console. Unfortunately I've found hooking up the N64 to my new tv gives me a headache after a while.
Interresting. I haven't dusted off Perfect Dark or banjo in a while...
I did my 19th run through of Ocarina of Time. Also played some Starfox64 and Pokemon Stadium. It was only SuperMario64 that gave me the headache oddly enough.
Love how the tissue box is near. So handy!
Fuck Sweden. Always cold. Except when it's not.
I was going to be a smart @ss and point out which president had tissues on their desk... but a google search comes up empty. I was actually unable, in my vigorous 3-5 minute search of google images, find any tissues at all in the oval office. I'm amazed no one sneezes in the Oval Office...
It's ok to say ass here...
A fourth monitor. Duh.
After that, possibly a 6th
Nah, after 5 it to s better to just go to 3 x 30" screens.
It would of been really neat if you would of said 7... =(
Now let's not get too crazy, okay?
There is never enough screen soace
A mini fridge full with beer
I only have one monitor but I have the beer fridge already loaded. Now for more screens.
Second the motion on headphones. A used pair of nice Sennheisers or Grados won't break the bank. Grados and some AKG's are also low impedance so they're easier to drive with smaller amps or and iPod.
K701/K702 is best for gaming due to the soundstage size. But, that flat bass to mids followed by a large spike in treble makes them like marmite. You either love them or hate them. Personally, I love them because they're just so detailed.
Yup. I've got Senn HD600's through a little 2WPC tube amp I built. The warm bass and balanced upper range is my cup of tea. I prefer Sennheiser's general sound over most of the AKG's I've heard, so yeah just like Marmite.
GRADOS! I've had 2-3 different sets over the years, there's just no competition for that style of HP.
I have some Audio Technica ATH-m50s that are also sound great and are low impedance, but I don't game hardcore, they sound great with the "war tapes" preset in BF3 though.
My astrogaming A40s are the best headphones I've ever used
Granted you also have the mixamp. otherwise, just a mid-range pair of headphones
Astros usually come with an amp though right?
I also have a40s. They came with the mixamp.
I can't believe you spent all that money when you could have bought some mid/high end headphones for that.
Yep, switched from turtle beach to some sony(less than $50) headphones
Another suggestion, DT770 pros, best gaming/music/video headphones I know of
I second that and i bought mine over 2 years ago i only had to replace one of the wires once
My original pair are the limited editions that I got back in 2007... the only reason I don't still use them is I wanted the upgraded 2013 editions so I bought another pair :)
That image shows just how large her head actually is.
Can anyone explain what the headphone amp does? Does it make the sound more clear? Louder? I have some sennheiser cans and am wondering if I should invest in an amp. If so, can anyone suggest a good amp? I'd prefer a higher end product.
Lets just refrain from anime figurines and keep it classy
Depending on his living space (aka acceptable amount of noise) I'd say go for a proper pair of bookshelf monitors over headphones first. But if noise levels are an issue, most definitely I'd +1 on headphones.
A bigger mouse pad
Nice setup with the desk but can we get specs OP?
Off the Top of my Head:
Got the same processor, If your ever looking to upgrade graphics get the 7870 that's what I got and I can run any game I play on high.
Just bough one, cool keyboard but not awesome, still better than a normal keyboard and got it on the cheap
Yeah, fair enough. I went for a CM Storm Quick Fire TK with MX brown's. I've always used Model M's, so it took a bit to get used to. Absolutely love it now. Much less wrist pain after switching.
Ah, good ol' XFX HD 5770's. I got one in my machine. Still runs most games on medium at 1600x900. No need to upgrade. :)
Unfortunately, this means that he needs to upgrade. Eyefinity is going to be running at 3x 1080P.
Just plug in your 100 Tb porn drive and go at it.
Came here to say this hahaha... man I'm lonely.
I use both: Use UltraMon (and have used it since Vista came out) on my work machine (now a VM), and DF on my main machine.
I'll look into it. I'm always down to try new stuff. Especially if Steam is selling it :)
Does this do anything my Catalyst control center can't?
It is actually on sale through Steam right now for 10 bucks!
I had a pirated copy too until this morning
It's currently on sale on steam for $9.99. As a note to the OP, if you are running nvidia surround then it treats the screen like one screen and not 3. That being said I bought it thinking it would let me pick three different wallpapers to cycle on each screen, only problem is that as a nvidia surround setup there is only one large screen. It would work fine on three screens not in surround, and I do not know how it handles eyefinity.
Display Fusion task bars hide when in Surround mode. I wrote an app to create my own single image wallpapers, so I don't know about DF wallpapers.
Iv been using the free version for a long time, if you don't need that many options its totally fine.
I tried this but 80% of the functions are useless if you use eyefinity already.
It's also on sale on steam for like 9 bucks
A 60" wall mounted TV above them.
To lower those monitors to eye level, and a new desk.
I'm 6'2" , The monitors are about eye level. Though they probably could be brought down a little. The Mounts I have are very easily adjusted so I still need to settle the heights.
Why? It's better for your neck.
What is that headphone stand?
A tissue box next to the fap station? At least no lotion bottle is visible!
The tissues really are the focal point here, what brand do you use?
Well here is getting a light pack... So basically the same thing.
Double that and get a 6 screen monitor!!!
Another graphics card or two, another rack of three on top, and thousands of dollars in Eve.
A fancy light-up keyboard and cyborg looking mouse.
9 monitors to make a 360* setup for the ultimate porn experience, also a couple more boxes of those tissues.
360deg setup ... he'll be on the vinegar strokes before you know it.
I'm jealous you got the stand for the A40's while they were still for sale. I want one now and regret not getting one when I had the chance.
Yea, I didn't realize they took them off the market, until I went to buy another one for a friend. Then I realized how damn lucky I am. It has made storing them so much easier and cleaner than just putting them on the desk.
A cleaner mat, a nicer desk maybe
I have the same mouse, keyboard, and webcam... #bros
Did we just become best friends?
I have the same desk, yours looks better.
Those would look nice wall mounted.
A nice 5.1 surround sound system.
Not if you're going to set it up like 99% of the gaming setup community: with every single speaker on your desk.
Oh I was beat on the lotion comment.
Assuming you have a good graphics card, I'd go for a "better" keyboard. I know the blackwidow is a mech, but there are so many better mechs out there.
You need to turn them on dude!
A girlfriend (jk :) nice setup)
A girl to make you a sandwich
That looks almost like the same desk I used to have, though the top is a little different. I too removed the keyboard tray.
Some lotion would pair nicely with the tissues.
Poor guy. Posts cool 3 monitor set up, get mocked for having a tissue box on the desk.
I was hoping someone already provided a link to awesome 3 monitor wallpapers (3 monitor user with shitty wallpapers here)
I personally would get a monitor stand to hold all 3. Will help reduce the clutter with 3 stands.
That is a mechanical keyboard
Better headphones; I'd start with the Sony MDR-V6's or if your budget can go higher, the AT-M50's
Where did you get your mousepad?
A stand for your tablet, they are life changing!
6 more monitors, a great chair, a garbage can. Eve online?
A fourth one :D
A bin for those tissues.
Once you play eve online, no other MMO will Ever beat it. (until star citizen)
You need a real window manager
Logitech G27 if your into racing games
Try turning them on next.
Lotion to go with those tissues.
What kind of mousepad is that? i want one thats giant like that
A computer to plug them in too. and then more monitors
Led lights and a bottle of lotion and Kleenex
At this stage, a shitbucket is essential.
A tv mounted on the wall right above the monitors!
Is the monitors height comfortable for you? Some people suggest that the top of the monitor should be at your eye level. My monitor is just slightly above my eye level and my neck is already hurting me.
Dat Phat Graphics Card and Lotz Of Gejmz!
Some graphics cards that don't set on fire when trying to run at that resolution
He's got the Razer Blackwidow Ultimate, which has Cherry MX Blues (unless it's the stealth version, in which case it's got MX Browns).
Not very good either way
Oh okay then he does not need anything for the moment.
Had one...this setup is in partial result of her leaving me and moving out.. basically I tried to mask some if the pain with new toys and projects
I'm curious, why get multiple monitors rather than a 27" or 30" monitor ?
I have 3 27" monitors.
This word I keep seeing. "Need". I do not think it means what you think it means.

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