Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


Wow that's amazing. If you don't mind me asking what do you do for a living?
I'm also interested in knowing that. And what city is this?
That is a beautiful layout :).
Can I come over some time?
What is that desktop on the 1st picture? I love the wallpaper. Are you using a rainmeter theme or something for the honeycomb indicators?
Thank you! I love hexagons.
Nice man, Leap Motion! Is it good and responsive? I find it strange how it works when it only has 1 camera but it can detect nearly all movements.
I like it, but there could be more useful content..
Have you downloaded Pointable from the market yet? Best app for LeapMotion.
In my experience, the sensing capabilities seem amazing in all the apps that are basically just live displays of the location of your hand (including things like "flocking").
My god, you realy want some details. Ya know, there's this magical thing called google, I've heard it's pretty helpful with that kind of stuff.
I could be wrong, but I don't think it uses a camera. It uses sonic resonance or someshit
It uses one ir sensor with two ir sources (just like he wiimote). This allows it to detect position in 3 dimensions with only one sensor.
Scrolling works well; I can agree on that. But have you figured out a way to use it well for more involved interactions (i.e., clicking links, typing, etc.)?
I don't use it for typing, but clicking on links is a breeze. I will often just walk over to my desk, wave my hand, type what I'm looking for, and just poke in front of the screen to view the links. Its also nice with RES, because I can expand the pics and self texts with a simple point. If they made a leap motion keyboard with swipe like input, I would probably use my keyboard 75% less. Also, I do have a mouse hooked up which I use around 50-60% of the time. having the "touch"option is often very convenient, but doesn't have the precision and control of a mouse.
I've set a couple up and from what I can tell they're pretty novelty.
Wow nice place! I'm digging the big shelf under the projection.
I've used that rainmeter skin before too. Very nice setup!
Very well put together space, good use of the room. Me likes.
Your apartment is my dream apartment. Perfect size, I love those compact, cozy spaces.
You have a really beautiful space. I'm very envious.
Alright, i've seen it all now. And i've decided.
This is awesome, even a table for playing Magic!
Have the same ikea couch, will never own a different couch. The bed pull out bed function is amazing. Also the rig is lovely and the space well utilized.
We have the same chair!
Great setup! What keyboard is that?
Dude I must know where you got your couch. I had one just like it in Brazil, still couldn't find anything like it here in Canada. I'm assuming all sections can be extended like the one in the picture?
No problem on that background idea, pretty surprised you actually gave me credit! <3
OP we want to know where you live!
Christ above you must have a lot of money.
It's amazing for where it's at!
I was hoping for a bit of a more in-depth response.
It's amazing where it's at!
Bro, do you even chemistry?
I'm very jealous, this is beautiful, are you going to add an Omni soon? (when it comes out).
I normally just hate on gaming setups in this sub but this some next level shit. Stylish and very functional to boot, you don't see that often.

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