Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


Hey man, sorry to hijack this comment but where did you get the diagram for those pci-e jumpers?
All I'm saying is that miners are the reason why graphics card prices have been higher lately.
Trust me, is sucks for us miners too. Almost all R9 270+s are sold out or overpriced. At least non-mining rigs can use Nvidia cards.
I don't understand what it is you do with this exactly. Could someone ELI5?
Yes. But I have to start at the begin.
So could I just set up my computer to run this algorithm in the background and slowly earn money?
Yes, exactly. Maybe $3 USD a day on a $200 graphic card if you're lucky.
I have a £400 graphics card, but I also have my old laptop now with an Nvidia 550M and I'm not too bothered if it dies
Doesnt work so well with nvida sadly.
I was mining doge with an Nvidia GTX770 using Cudaminer. 370kh/s. They work well if you use Cudaminer
Yeah, but the price:hashrate and power consumption don't match up. A comparably priced AMD card will do double that hashrate at a minimum.
So how much do you make a day, and how much does that setup you're running cost?
Pardon my ignorance, but how exactly do you break even on such a huge investment? What can you do with the cryptocurrency you mine?
You can sell it immediately through exchange sites. Or you can hold onto it in hopes it goes up in value. I do a combination of both.
Wow that is very interesting. Thanks for the response. Also, seems like there is a serious community behind Dogecoin, that's cool haha.
I thought Dogecoin was like this ongoing joke...
Me too, doesn't seem like it now lol
Electricity prices here (Japan, 0.35c/kwh) seem to make this almost impossible to do. Interesting to read about it anyway!
$0.11 per Kwh? I was happy when my rates dropped to ~$0.45/Kwh. I guess that's why the idea of mining coins hasn't really caught on in my area.
Given the current difficulty, he may be able to reach ROI. It's hard for me to say though, no one knows how Bitcoin and altcoins are going to trend, but I'm pretty bull-ish on them.
Again sorry if this isn't the place. I'm still uncertain if this is gaming only.
I like it, fuck the downvoters
Not gaming only, people who only post their components in a case, even in gaming pcs, get downvoted.
This is r/Gaming setups, not r/buildapc. I'd recommend that you add some photos of your peripherals and monitor/s so people don't come yelling at you.
That would be misleading, these run without a monitor and peripherals.
Then why did you post this in r/Gaming setups?
I dunno it was a toss up between here and buildapc. Ultimately I felt like build a pc was more geared towards helping people construct something and here was more for showing something off.
And here I am getting 250khs.
This is the reason I can't afford duel R9 290's or x's
Would you mind posting your specs? Like what motherboard processor, ram and power supplies you are using? Also how much did each rig cost you?
Availability. Most 280x are straight up sold out. With waiting times appearing to be a month and a half.
For specifications see my comment above. It is very similar to my builds.
That's pretty awesome. I think this definitely qualifies as r/gaming setup material.
I hope you make back your investment before the bubble bursts. Money people just create by having a lot of video cards isn't going to last forever.
Those are designed to run the algorithm that Bitcoin uses as its proof of work. And its true that those would be much, much, better over GPU mining for Bitcoins.
From an electrician's point of view, that looks interesting. And volatile.
I draw ~80 amps. Each rigs takes about ~10-15. I've run two sets of 6/3 to separate breaker boxes near by.
That sounds like a fulltime job. Do you run these 24/7 on full load? Also, are you the only person involved in this "project"?
I work from home so I can maintain these and program simultaneously. And I have two brothers that work with me on this.
Mo' money mo' problems. Interesting project alltogether. Too bad I haven't got the time/resources needed for something like this.
How much did your electricity go up?
If you don't mind my asking, how much did all of that cost you? I've recently started mining dogecoins and am considering possibly building a small mining rig.
I have 8 rigs. It cost me $15,000 for computer parts. With this kind of setup there are also several other large expenses. Surge protectors, Electrical lines, Breaker Boxes, Smoke Alarms. Ext.
I have a very similar build to you, but with a rosewell 1000w and 4x 270s. My case is really ghetto right now and I want to redo it like you rail system. Any recommendations on that part? I have access to a machine shop now with my new job, I'm trying to think of an easy/cheap way to make a secure metal housing.
Wouldn't it just be easier to buy a Butterflylabs device doing like 700 gh/s? How many gigahashes in all are you pulling?
Nope, they dont work with scrypt mining
Confused by script mining. Does that benefit":?
ASCI miners are only for Bitcoins. The math behind other coins is resistant to that tech.
It's not resistant to that asic, it's not possible to be resistant to asic. It's just that asic mining development always lags behind, so if you use GPU you can just be an early adopter for anything that comes out.
On the contrary the scrypt algorithm is resistant to ASICs. It is specifically designed as such.
ASICs are will always be more efficient and more cost effective than GPU or CPU. As a cryptocurrency increases in value it will naturally attract specially designed ASICs.
Awesome, thanks for posting! What do you mine?
Mostly Dogecoin. The community is incredible. Through their happiness and generosity they have incidentally made Dogecoin the most valuable cryptocurrency in my opinion.
Wait, so did you just give him 1000 dogecoins? I see people use the tipbot all the time, never figured out what it was for
Yes, he just gave him 1000 dogecoins, but 1000 is only currently worth about 1.50 USD.
Well, 1000 doge is all i have :( (im no pro miner :D)
Woah, I feel bad asking, but could I have some?
If you were to get some, it'll probably just suck you in more :p
Haha, probably, but my laptop definitely wouldn't be able to mine, and I don't have the money to buy multiple cards to mine, so it's be a waste on me huh?
Who know's if it'll be a waste on you? maybe it'll skyrocket, if that happens it wouldn't be a waste
Don't feel bad. Enjoy :)
WOW this is the most beautiful thing I've seen in a long time <3
Not the typical post here but very cool. bookmarkd
ITT: Downvoting douchebags
Would I be able to break even or profit by mining with my Tri-SLI NVidia 760 setup? It's a set of NVidia cards, sure, but I don't have a hardware cost (won the cards)
Where would be the best place to learn about coin trading and how to get started?
Can someone explain how this system works to me? And im looking into mining should i get standard cards or like a butterfly labs
Hi, Im building a PC for gaming and i'm interested in mining. Do you think i should get a r9 280x over the gtx 770, I'd like to experiment in mining but i have no clue how to yet. and would a single 280x make me a decent amount of money if i leave it on when im at school or when I'm sleeping.
I'm guessing by ball parking the parts that you're running 1.6th/s on these machines that cost (guessing) $3000 ==< each?
I got a job last month and was hoping to finally upgrade my old video card to a R9 290x but with the prices so high now, I just feel so conflicted, as an electrical engineering student I'm intrigued but as a gamer trying to finally upgrade my rig ...
But can it run Minecraft?
Sigh higher GPU prices :(.
I'm super noob and just really don't get the concept, how do you "mine" bitcoin? What are you mining it from? Is it just money that is created out of thin air? Pardon my ignorance, just generally curious.
Nor should you be downvoted. This is the most important question and the system isn't necessarily intuitive.
What's stopping someone from writing some sort of script spoofing all of that "work" that is required to obtain this currency?
As I understand it.
This is interesting, but it's not a gaming setup.
Just because its not for gaming doesn't mean its not computer setup..

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