Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


What theme are you using for Rainmeter? :)
I'm out for valentines dinner right now, but I'll let you know. Better yet, I copied it exactly from one of the top posts on r/rain meter, the themes are in the comments!
What's your thought on the headset?
Wow. Such hate. Very anger.
I love it. It sounds great, the mic quality is great, battery could be a little better, but even the little hub for the wireless dongle is awesome!
I like it, lot of personality in a little amount of space.
I'm digging the keyboard with the green keys.
I love that desk! Where did you get it.
It's a plain white desk from ikea!
And that keyboard.. I like your digs.
You can actually make the laptop stay on while the lid is closed. It will save a lot of space!
Oh, I know! But the computer overheats when its closed and I play league because a lot of the heat dissipates through the keyboard, so ive learned to leave it open. Its raised as well so heat can ventilate properly on the bottom too
Love the setup, and love the area of your station. I'm looking for something the same. Desk, and all. I was thinking of picking up a 26' 144hz asus, but lately I'm liking the size of 24',23' monitors. Oh and I have the same macbook you have mid 2010. :)
What is rainmeter by the way. is it some kink of theme for windows?
Where did you get the matching spacebar and the row5 key in green?
More of a computer desk than a "gaming setup".

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