Of Monitors - Computer Setup


...eve IS your job isnt it.
Nope, got a game design degree which i use to make animation's for several modding communities in my free time, and my IT degree is my true job degree where i got out of state for a few days every other week as a consultant unless there is a major hardware issue with one of our big clients.
I don't know how else to say this, but you have a real problem...
No i don't i just dont take the time out to maticulisly spell out every detail when there's no impendence on what i do here.
You are nearly illiterate. How are you employed?
I'm gonna be "that guy". Meticulously.
Ah, the good ol' time argument. Probably one of the worst.
There's so many things wrong with that sentence.. It hurts. Not trying to dog you out but... Spell check will take you far in life when your fingers won't.
In that case you might be better off not using them at all :P
When you misspell "Titans" as "Titen's", you've got a problem.
Pretty much is the case with any game design degree isn't it?
Aculy i have BOTH degree's. IT and Game design. had a talk with a old mentor of mine before going to collage as i was split between the two and he told me in all honesty. "Do what will certently get you a job first that you can get some enjoyment from, then get the one that's the dream job. none the less both compliment each other so eaither way you have a higher chance of getting hired."
Ya, I have a bit of programming under my belt due to the game design course, and trust me i know all nighter's. you know you can survive on 2 hours and 30 minites of sleep if you do twice per day? its a "japanese" method a friend told me about that i picked up in collage. its insaly tough to do at first but the body starts to ajust.
:D I do something similar and its fun too. It's called marijuana, a lot of it.
Thank's, Took alot of time, effort, money and none the less going a lil bit nuts lol.
I want to say yes, but part of me says nooooooooo
Man, some people are really dedicated to that game. Is EVE worth getting into? I'm building my 1st rig soon and want to get into atleast 1 MMORPG. I love Space in general and the idea of starships and fleets. Is it good or as they call it a 'spreadsheet sim'?
Mostly, depends majorly how you play. if your a industrialist it can be very spread sheet but again depending how you play.
Are...are you the guy I used to see in Gal space with 10 Rokhs? I haven't played Eve in about 1.5 years now, but I used to run 3 clients on my comp. How do you manage 10?
Nope, I've been a exiled gallantean for more then 3 years.
Becouse i dont point out everyone's fault's and its my job more to fix problem's asap, not talk to people.
Still, it's something to better yourself. Especially with online interactions, people might assume things about you and comment immediately without asking questions about your comprehension of the English language.
I have not ever played EVE online but how do you have 10 characters running at the same time?
Windowed mode and 10+ monitor's?
I am sorry I mean how is the game setup to where you can pay attention with 10 characters at the same time? For example I am picturing a 3rd person game where you have to control 10 characters at once
EVE's a slow paced command driven game. Micro is something that exists over very large timescales in EVE.
Eve is a slower paced game, if mutitasking correctly on 5 monitors i was able to keep up with 10, but was tedois. thats why i did this massive upgrade, plus i wanna get into stock trading.
You breathe eve don't you? Great setup btw :)
Nope, i breathe methane... why? and thx.
So, have you bought an actual bed yet?
Nope, I like the two futon's. much more confertable, and get better looks at gf when shes getting up.
Hahaha, well prepared for the future, I see.
Do you need 10 accounts? As in you pay 300 a month?
Yes, as its $15 per account unless you can make a item called plex that gives ya 30 days free per account. i make one per day. the ones i dont use, i eaither save, or sell on the eve market.
Wow... How much power does all of that use?
Thats a lot of SPunk on your sheets. Damn dude.
That's light from the window.
And what stays the same through this whole process? The chair, everyone has that certain chair they love.
Side's when i end up on my futon bedding lol, that remain's poor style but gf realized second time... comfy as fuck as i used a heavy one for top and soft one that you can feel everything under for the bottem. (cant feel through the heavy)
I honestly cannot even comprehend what the fuck you're attempting to say.
I really like that desk, any chance you could direct me to where you got it?
Both i got across the street at... compusa i belive?
Damn, compusa is dead, any chance you remember the brand of it?
No clue, could tell ya i do remember there was a nascar driver on the box of the wood one, was worth a chuckle as both me and a friend where like "why the fuck..." but was the cheapest L desk there and was broke at the time from the move.
Triple superclocked edition nvidia titan's 64 gigs of ram i7 3960 overclocked 6 hard drives forgot the mobo off the top of my head.
That chair looks COMFY. Where'd you get it?
Compusa i belive? was a couple year's ago and still use it. I do have 2 leather chain's in here aswhele for when i got bud's over or co-worker's need to come over for help with a client issue. (multiple computers here capable of doing our aculy job related work.)
Cool, man. I'm looking for a big comfy chair to sit in all day. But yeah. Awesome rig, dude.
So much butthurt in this thread over your spelling of all things. That is seriously a SICK fucking gaming PC. Triple superclock edition titans and 64gb of ram. Jesus fucking christ!! Love it man, keep up the good work.
Thank's, ya luckaly it really dosent phase me as eaither one there doing it cus there jealous as fuck... or two there just people with to much time on there hand's that would bitch just cause i dress diffrent then them. (love my tripp pants when im not workin .)
Your point is generally not getting across.
How long does it take you to bring the mouse cursor from one on opposite to the other? And do you multi-screen your porno? :D
Split secound, have a razer naga epic edition, and im used to full dpi (goes up to 5000 dpi)
I play EvE myself, got 2 accounts and 3 screens.
No i run a 100+ man indy corp but i do have a pirite.
I used to have that exact same desk in my first house.............fuck that desk ಠ_ಠ
You don't happen to work for the NSA with that amount of monitors do you?
Truth is... we dont give a fuck about snowden. its just a ploy you get you all trying to browse more creativly so we can buff up our system's to better track everyone.
Nice chair, where did you get it?
Would you mind telling me what your nationality is? I had to ask after seeing how you spelled many words differently
Holy. Shit. The porn man. Your jack off sessions must be legendary.
Somehow I think this is just an elaborate troll. OP has the spelling and grammatical abilities of a slow 8 year old.
Does not matter. as far as i'm concerned laptop's should be named "junk-top's" as in the end, there worthless to keep more then a couple year's unless your just a basic user.
Actually, some people need portability like students, businessmen, and other workers
I wonder how much this electricity bill is going to be.
Before adding the new monitor's i paid roughly a hundred a month. I do a few thing's though that i added recently to improve it, for example got a couple solar panels i installed two weeks ago.
I recently started playing Eve again. Give me some details about your characters/what you fly, etc.!
I fly a (redacted) in (redacted) space. you should join me or my corp sometime. We are based in (redacted) space, our corp name is (redacted). BTW my main eve job is (redacted).
Lol... ok. I'm not that hardcore, was just curious.
You should have spent more time on your spelling and grammar rather than your gaming setup...
What case is that on your new machine? I think I'm in love!
The lack of women in this nerd's life hurts me.
Hrm, could get a longer pole for the tri mount and add 3 more where 3 seems to be missing... would have to add another titan though. im 1 away from the hardware limit.
Calm your tits OP lol
Seriously, that's a lot of monitors. I don't think I've seen that many for one or two machines before.
All a single machine side's when i show the laptop's. I don't like using multiple tower's for one task.
This is disgusting and pathetic. Well done.
Haha, I get it! It's because EVE Online is sozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

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