Your Monitors - Computer Setup


Save big money at Menaaaaards
I came to post the same thing.... Damn you!
It's like that song is on repeat when you're in there.
Came here to say this, have an bookmark for bevis and butthead reference.
TIL: Home improvement stores sell desks.
As a former Lowe's employee I am also surprised by this.
Sorry Webster, but I'm sure everyone knew what i meant ;)
Never thought about IKEA, curious what they have now and the costs. Only issue i had was my impatient and not wanting to wait on a delivery lol.
See that's were I looked first. But they did carry it in-store so it would have to be ordered :/
Its tempered glass. I would think if your braced the bracket by putting two shims so it doesn't clamp down directly on the glass you should be good.
Both me and my roommate have a stand like this and glass desks, it's been no problem so far.
What chair is that? Looks commmmmfy
Honestly, no idea. Was my fathers old chair, its at least 8 years old or more.
I think that desk is available all over the world (I had the same here in Switzerland)
I have a similar desk. How do you deal with your monitors being centered on the corner? I have no place to put my legs!!
It is a nice desk. It is a shame it does not actually fit tough.
What you mean, in the corner?
If it don't fit, force it.
This is too funny, because Me and my wife are buying this exact same desk this weekend for her new PC I'm building.

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